This is: /etc/iiab/diag/8.2_ubuntu-2410_2024-10-18_09:07:35_EDT_267-another-dl-fail 0. HW + SW Quick Summary install_date = 2024-09-26T08:57:46Z Current TZ: EDT iiab: 759ebb48d, 85 PR's / 271 commits since tag release-8.1 "iiab-vpn: Revert 018b0d2, as online/offline colors failed on some terminals" branch: master iiab-admin-console: 61d9359, 48 PR's / 145 commits since tag v0.6.2 "Merge pull request #583 from tim-moody/0.8.5-wifi" branch: master Ubuntu 24.10 trixie/sid display-manager? inactive Arch1: amd64 Arch2: box 6.11.0-8-generic #8-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Mon Sep 16 13:41:20 UTC 2024 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8279U CPU @ 2.40GHz CPU(s): 2 Mem: 1959 Swap: 0 Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sda1 19G 4.1G 15G 23% / ZIMs: 0 OER2Go: 0 Apps2B: 1 VPN: tag:holt lo enp5s0 enp6s0 tailscale0 box u2410-cweb.lxd fd42:fb6b:9c93:d2f1:5054:ff:fee4:3b63 iiab-apps-to-be-installed : bluetooth =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: /usr/bin/ls -ltr /etc/iiab/install-flags # IIAB install flags total 0 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Sep 26 04:57 iiab-ansible-complete -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Sep 26 05:03 iiab-complete 1. FILES SPECIALLY REQUESTED (FROM "iiab-diagnostics PATH/FILE1 PATH/FILE2") 2. REGULAR FILES =IIAB========================================================================== FILE DOES NOT EXIST: /.iiab-image =IIAB========================================================================== -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 380 Sep 26 04:58 /etc/iiab/iiab.env # This is a configuration file for IIAB # It can be sourced in a shell script or read into an application IIAB_BASE_PATH=/opt/iiab IIAB_DIR=/opt/iiab/iiab IIAB_RELEASE=8.2 IIAB_REVISION=0 IIAB_GATEWAY_ENABLED=False LAN_IP= OS=ubuntu OS_VER=ubuntu-2410 WWWROOT=/library/www/html STAGE=9 FQDN=box.lan IIAB_USB_LIB_SHOW_ALL=True IIAB_WAN_DEVICE=enp5s0 IIAB_LAN_DEVICE=br0 =IIAB========================================================================== -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3828 Sep 26 04:57 /etc/iiab/iiab.ini [summary] iiab_base = /opt/iiab iiab_dir = /opt/iiab/iiab disk_used_a_priori = 2087944192 iiab_software_disk_usage = 1616994304 [initial] os_ver = ubuntu-2410 distribution = Ubuntu arch = x86_64 dpkg_arch = amd64 dpkg_foreign_arch = rpi_model = none devicetree_model = none iiab_base_ver = 8.2 iiab_remote_url = iiab_branch = master iiab_commit = 4dd927cfd00c3bed1a36b9c197f554d7ee680ceb iiab_recent_tag = release-8.1 install_date = 2024-09-26T08:57:46Z [runtime] iiab_stage = 0 iiab_base_ver = 8.2 iiab_revision = 0 iiab_remote_url = runtime_branch = master runtime_commit = 4dd927cfd00c3bed1a36b9c197f554d7ee680ceb iiab_recent_tag = release-8.1 runtime_date = 2024-09-26T08:57:46Z ansible_version = 2.17.4 kernel = 6.11.0-7-generic memory_mb = 1960 swap_mb = 0 rpi_model = none devicetree_model = none os_ver = ubuntu-2410 python_version = 3.12 php_version = 8.3 first_run = True FQDN_changed = True [sshd] sshd_disk_usage = 159744 name = sshd description = "Secure Shell daemon (typically implemented by openssh-server) for remote login using the 'ssh' low-level protocol." sshd_install = True sshd_enabled = True sshd_port = 22 [tailscale] tailscale_disk_usage = 82849792 name = Tailscale (VPN) description = "Tailscale enables live/remote support by connecting machines anywhere on the Internet, using a software-defined mesh virtual private network (VPN), and optional web-based management service." tailscale_install = True tailscale_enabled = False [remoteit] remoteit_disk_usage = 532480 name = description = " can help you remotely maintain an IIAB. Some benefits include: crossing multiple NATs/firewalls using a single TCP port, without requiring router port forwarding, and reducing your network's vulnerability." remoteit_install = True remoteit_enabled = False [iiab-admin] iiab_admin_disk_usage = 8204288 name = iiab-admin description = "Admin User" iiab_admin_user = iiab-admin iiab_admin_user_install = True iiab_admin_can_sudo = True [nginx] nginx_disk_usage = 76423168 name = NGINX description = "NGINX is a web server which can also be used as a reverse proxy, load balancer, mail proxy and HTTP cache." nginx_install = True nginx_enabled = True [www_base] www_base_disk_usage = 3207168 [pylibs] pylibs_disk_usage = 20480 [usb_lib] usb_lib_disk_usage = 380928 name = USB_LIB description = "USB_LIB automounts Teacher Content on USB drives to /library/www/html/local_content, so students can browse it almost immediately at http://box/usb" usb_lib_install = True usb_lib_enabled = True usb_lib_umask0000_for_kolibri = True [www_options] www_options_disk_usage = 69390336 [calibre-web] calibreweb_disk_usage = 1139490816 name = Calibre-Web description = "Calibre-Web is a web app providing a clean interface for browsing, reading and downloading e-books." calibreweb_install = True calibreweb_enabled = True calibreweb_url1 = /books calibreweb_url2 = /libros calibreweb_url3 = /livres calibreweb_path = /usr/local/calibre-web-py3 calibreweb_home = /library/calibre-web calibreweb_port = 8083 calibreweb_settings_database = app.db [detected_network] has_ifcfg_gw = none prior_gateway_device = unset dhcpcd_result = not-found network_manager_active = False systemd_networkd_active = True wan_in_interfaces = False wireless_list_1(wifi1) = not found-1 wireless_list_2(wifi2) = not found-2 num_wifi_interfaces = 0 discovered_wireless_iface = none discovered_wired_iface = tailscale0 exclude_devices = enp6s0 num_lan_interfaces = 1 gui_static_wan = False iiab_lan_iface = br0 iiab_wan_iface = enp5s0 can_be_ap = False [computed_network] iiab_wan_enabled = True user_wan_iface = auto iiab_wan_iface = enp5s0 iiab_lan_enabled = True user_lan_iface = auto iiab_lan_iface = br0 iiab_network_mode = Gateway network_enabled = False =IIAB========================================================================== -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 392 Sep 26 04:57 /etc/iiab/local_vars.yml calibreweb_install: True calibreweb_enabled: True kolibri_install: False kolibri_enabled: False kiwix_install: False kiwix_enabled: False osm_vector_maps_install: False awstats_install: False awstats_enabled: False matomo_install: False matomo_enabled: False captiveportal_install: False network_install: False network_enabled: False admin_console_install: False admin_console_enabled: False =IIAB========================================================================== -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 350 Sep 26 04:57 /etc/iiab/iiab_state.yml # DO *NOT* MANUALLY EDIT THIS, THANKS! # IIAB does NOT currently support uninstalling apps/services. sshd_installed: True tailscale_installed: True remoteit_installed: True iiab_admin_installed: True nginx_installed: True www_base_installed: True pylibs_installed: True usb_lib_installed: True www_options_installed: True calibreweb_installed: True =IIAB========================================================================== lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 39 Sep 16 14:54 /etc/resolv.conf -> ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf # This is /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf managed by man:systemd-resolved(8). # Do not edit. # # This file might be symlinked as /etc/resolv.conf. If you're looking at # /etc/resolv.conf and seeing this text, you have followed the symlink. # # This is a dynamic resolv.conf file for connecting local clients to the # internal DNS stub resolver of systemd-resolved. This file lists all # configured search domains. # # Run "resolvectl status" to see details about the uplink DNS servers # currently in use. # # Third party programs should typically not access this file directly, but only # through the symlink at /etc/resolv.conf. To manage man:resolv.conf(5) in a # different way, replace this symlink by a static file or a different symlink. # # See man:systemd-resolved.service(8) for details about the supported modes of # operation for /etc/resolv.conf. nameserver options edns0 trust-ad search =IIAB========================================================================== FILE DOES NOT EXIST: /etc/network/interfaces =IIAB========================================================================== FILE DOES NOT EXIST: /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf =IIAB========================================================================== FILE DOES NOT EXIST: /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf =IIAB========================================================================== FILE DOES NOT EXIST: /library/www/html/home/menu.json 3. CONTENT OF DIRECTORIES (1-LEVEL DEEP) =IIAB========================================================================== DIRECTORY DOES NOT EXIST: /etc/network/interfaces.d =IIAB========================================================================== DIRECTORY /etc/systemd/network FILES WILL FOLLOW...IF THEY EXIST =IIAB========================================================================== DIRECTORY DOES NOT EXIST: /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections =IIAB========================================================================== DIRECTORY /etc/netplan FILES WILL FOLLOW...IF THEY EXIST -IIAB-------------------------------------------------------------------------- -rw------- 1 root root 272 Sep 26 04:57 /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml ...ITS LAST 100 LINES FOLLOW... network: version: 2 ethernets: default: match: macaddress: "52:54:00:e4:3b:63" dhcp4: true extra0: match: macaddress: "52:54:00:dd:2f:8e" optional: true dhcp4: true dhcp4-overrides: route-metric: 200 4. OUTPUT OF COMMANDS =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: /usr/bin/uname -a # Linux kernel Linux box 6.11.0-8-generic #8-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Mon Sep 16 13:41:20 UTC 2024 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: /usr/bin/free # RAM memory total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 2006748 541804 456700 20796 1220444 1464944 Swap: 0 0 0 =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: /usr/bin/lscpu # CPU details Architecture: x86_64 CPU op-mode(s): 32-bit, 64-bit Address sizes: 39 bits physical, 48 bits virtual Byte Order: Little Endian CPU(s): 2 On-line CPU(s) list: 0,1 Vendor ID: GenuineIntel BIOS Vendor ID: QEMU Model name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8279U CPU @ 2.40GHz BIOS Model name: pc-q35-8.2 CPU @ 2.0GHz BIOS CPU family: 1 CPU family: 6 Model: 142 Thread(s) per core: 1 Core(s) per socket: 2 Socket(s): 1 Stepping: 10 BogoMIPS: 4800.00 Flags: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht syscall nx pdpe1gb rdtscp lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon rep_good nopl xtopology cpuid tsc_known_freq pni pclmulqdq vmx ssse3 fma cx16 pdcm pcid sse4_1 sse4_2 x2apic movbe popcnt tsc_deadline_timer aes xsave avx f16c rdrand hypervisor lahf_lm abm 3dnowprefetch cpuid_fault pti ssbd ibrs ibpb stibp tpr_shadow ept vpid ept_ad fsgsbase tsc_adjust bmi1 avx2 smep bmi2 erms invpcid mpx rdseed adx smap clflushopt xsaveopt xsavec xgetbv1 xsaves arat vnmi umip md_clear flush_l1d arch_capabilities Virtualization: VT-x L1d cache: 64 KiB (2 instances) L1i cache: 64 KiB (2 instances) L2 cache: 8 MiB (2 instances) L3 cache: 16 MiB (1 instance) NUMA node(s): 1 NUMA node0 CPU(s): 0,1 Vulnerability Gather data sampling: Not affected Vulnerability Itlb multihit: Not affected Vulnerability L1tf: Mitigation; PTE Inversion; VMX flush not necessary, SMT disabled Vulnerability Mds: Mitigation; Clear CPU buffers; SMT Host state unknown Vulnerability Meltdown: Mitigation; PTI Vulnerability Mmio stale data: Mitigation; Clear CPU buffers; SMT Host state unknown Vulnerability Reg file data sampling: Not affected Vulnerability Retbleed: Mitigation; IBRS Vulnerability Spec rstack overflow: Not affected Vulnerability Spec store bypass: Mitigation; Speculative Store Bypass disabled via prctl Vulnerability Spectre v1: Mitigation; usercopy/swapgs barriers and __user pointer sanitization Vulnerability Spectre v2: Mitigation; IBRS; IBPB conditional; STIBP disabled; RSB filling; PBRSB-eIBRS Not affected; BHI SW loop, KVM SW loop Vulnerability Srbds: Unknown: Dependent on hypervisor status Vulnerability Tsx async abort: Not affected =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: /usr/bin/df -h # Disk usage Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on tmpfs 196M 1.3M 195M 1% /run efivarfs 256K 99K 153K 40% /sys/firmware/efi/efivars /dev/sda1 19G 4.1G 15G 23% / tmpfs 980M 0 980M 0% /dev/shm tmpfs 5.0M 0 5.0M 0% /run/lock tmpfs 980M 8.0K 980M 1% /tmp tmpfs 1.0M 0 1.0M 0% /run/credentials/systemd-journald.service tmpfs 1.0M 0 1.0M 0% /run/credentials/systemd-udev-load-credentials.service tmpfs 1.0M 0 1.0M 0% /run/credentials/systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev-early.service tmpfs 1.0M 0 1.0M 0% /run/credentials/systemd-sysctl.service tmpfs 1.0M 0 1.0M 0% /run/credentials/systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service tmpfs 50M 12M 39M 24% /run/lxd_agent /dev/sda13 989M 113M 809M 13% /boot /dev/sda15 105M 6.1M 99M 6% /boot/efi tmpfs 1.0M 0 1.0M 0% /run/credentials/systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service tmpfs 1.0M 0 1.0M 0% /run/credentials/systemd-resolved.service tmpfs 1.0M 0 1.0M 0% /run/credentials/systemd-networkd.service tmpfs 1.0M 0 1.0M 0% /run/credentials/getty@tty1.service tmpfs 1.0M 0 1.0M 0% /run/credentials/serial-getty@ttyS0.service tmpfs 196M 16K 196M 1% /run/user/1000 =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: /usr/bin/df -ah # Disk usage detail Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on sysfs 0 0 0 - /sys proc 0 0 0 - /proc udev 963M 0 963M 0% /dev devpts 0 0 0 - /dev/pts tmpfs 196M 1.3M 195M 1% /run efivarfs 256K 99K 153K 40% /sys/firmware/efi/efivars /dev/sda1 19G 4.1G 15G 23% / securityfs 0 0 0 - /sys/kernel/security tmpfs 980M 0 980M 0% /dev/shm cgroup2 0 0 0 - /sys/fs/cgroup pstore 0 0 0 - /sys/fs/pstore bpf 0 0 0 - /sys/fs/bpf systemd-1 - - - - /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc mqueue 0 0 0 - /dev/mqueue hugetlbfs 0 0 0 - /dev/hugepages tmpfs 5.0M 0 5.0M 0% /run/lock none 0 0 0 - /sys/kernel/debug tracefs 0 0 0 - /sys/kernel/tracing tmpfs 980M 8.0K 980M 1% /tmp tmpfs 1.0M 0 1.0M 0% /run/credentials/systemd-journald.service tmpfs 1.0M 0 1.0M 0% /run/credentials/systemd-udev-load-credentials.service configfs 0 0 0 - /sys/kernel/config fusectl 0 0 0 - /sys/fs/fuse/connections tmpfs 1.0M 0 1.0M 0% /run/credentials/systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev-early.service tmpfs 1.0M 0 1.0M 0% /run/credentials/systemd-sysctl.service tmpfs 1.0M 0 1.0M 0% /run/credentials/systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service tmpfs 50M 12M 39M 24% /run/lxd_agent /dev/sda13 989M 113M 809M 13% /boot /dev/sda15 105M 6.1M 99M 6% /boot/efi tmpfs 1.0M 0 1.0M 0% /run/credentials/systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service binfmt_misc 0 0 0 - /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc tmpfs 1.0M 0 1.0M 0% /run/credentials/systemd-resolved.service tmpfs 1.0M 0 1.0M 0% /run/credentials/systemd-networkd.service tmpfs 1.0M 0 1.0M 0% /run/credentials/getty@tty1.service tmpfs 1.0M 0 1.0M 0% /run/credentials/serial-getty@ttyS0.service tmpfs 196M 16K 196M 1% /run/user/1000 =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: /usr/bin/lsblk # Partition mount points NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS sda 8:0 0 20G 0 disk ├─sda1 8:1 0 18.9G 0 part / ├─sda13 8:13 0 1023M 0 part /boot ├─sda14 8:14 0 4M 0 part └─sda15 8:15 0 106M 0 part /boot/efi sr0 11:0 1 370K 0 rom =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: /usr/sbin/blkid # Mount point details /dev/sr0: BLOCK_SIZE="2048" UUID="2024-10-17-11-57-44-00" LABEL="cidata" TYPE="iso9660" /dev/sda15: LABEL_FATBOOT="UEFI" LABEL="UEFI" UUID="FE20-EAAE" BLOCK_SIZE="512" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="c6e240eb-209e-4505-b593-2a2bd521a5e4" /dev/sda1: LABEL="cloudimg-rootfs" UUID="7ff908c0-ee70-4665-bbc8-b84229ea66a1" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="8c35ba00-85b2-4298-8012-d93138302471" /dev/sda13: LABEL="BOOT" UUID="a2bd7e65-75af-44c9-b682-6298fa3042bc" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="a2b9042c-175d-4209-8147-0172082c0ab4" /dev/sda14: PARTUUID="12bddf24-e92f-4632-a825-7ed5b3bf4748" =IIAB========================================================================== -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 146 Sep 16 14:58 /etc/fstab LABEL=cloudimg-rootfs / ext4 discard,commit=30,errors=remount-ro 0 1 LABEL=BOOT /boot ext4 defaults 0 2 LABEL=UEFI /boot/efi vfat umask=0077 0 1 =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: /usr/bin/lshw -C network # Network hardware/interfaces *-network description: Ethernet controller product: Virtio 1.0 network device vendor: Red Hat, Inc. physical id: 0 bus info: pci@0000:05:00.0 version: 01 width: 64 bits clock: 33MHz capabilities: msix pm pciexpress bus_master cap_list rom configuration: driver=virtio-pci latency=0 resources: iomemory:80-7f irq:21 memory:81400000-81400fff memory:800400000-800403fff memory:81480000-814fffff *-virtio10 description: Ethernet interface physical id: 0 bus info: virtio@10 logical name: enp5s0 serial: 52:54:00:e4:3b:63 capabilities: ethernet physical configuration: autonegotiation=off broadcast=yes driver=virtio_net driverversion=1.0.0 ip= link=yes multicast=yes *-network description: Ethernet controller product: Virtio 1.0 network device vendor: Red Hat, Inc. physical id: 0 bus info: pci@0000:06:00.0 version: 01 width: 64 bits clock: 33MHz capabilities: msix pm pciexpress bus_master cap_list rom configuration: driver=virtio-pci latency=0 resources: iomemory:80-7f irq:21 memory:81200000-81200fff memory:800500000-800503fff memory:81280000-812fffff *-virtio11 description: Ethernet interface physical id: 0 bus info: virtio@11 logical name: enp6s0 serial: 52:54:00:dd:2f:8e capabilities: ethernet physical configuration: autonegotiation=off broadcast=yes driver=virtio_net driverversion=1.0.0 ip= link=yes multicast=yes =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: /usr/sbin/ip addr # Network interfaces 1: lo: mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000 link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 inet scope host lo valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever inet6 ::1/128 scope host noprefixroute valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 2: enp5s0: mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP group default qlen 1000 link/ether 52:54:00:e4:3b:63 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet metric 100 brd scope global dynamic enp5s0 valid_lft 2302sec preferred_lft 2302sec inet6 fd42:fb6b:9c93:d2f1:5054:ff:fee4:3b63/64 scope global mngtmpaddr noprefixroute valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever inet6 fe80::5054:ff:fee4:3b63/64 scope link proto kernel_ll valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 3: enp6s0: mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP group default qlen 1000 link/ether 52:54:00:dd:2f:8e brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet metric 200 brd scope global dynamic enp6s0 valid_lft 6963sec preferred_lft 6963sec inet6 fe80::5054:ff:fedd:2f8e/64 scope link proto kernel_ll valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 4: tailscale0: mtu 1280 qdisc fq_codel state UNKNOWN group default qlen 500 link/none inet scope global tailscale0 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever inet6 fe80::3a1b:9b3c:1539:c7da/64 scope link stable-privacy proto kernel_ll valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: # Network interfaces (old view) COMMAND NOT FOUND: ifconfig =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: /usr/sbin/ip route # Routing table default via dev enp5s0 proto dhcp src metric 100 default via dev enp6s0 proto dhcp src metric 200 dev enp5s0 proto kernel scope link src metric 100 dev enp5s0 proto dhcp scope link src metric 100 dev enp6s0 proto kernel scope link src metric 200 dev enp6s0 proto dhcp scope link src metric 200 =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: -rn # Routing table (old view) COMMAND NOT FOUND: netstat -rn =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: /usr/sbin/bridge -d link # Bridge for LAN side =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: /usr/bin/sudo netstat -natp # Ports/Services in use =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: /usr/bin/systemctl status dnsmasq # Is dnsmasq running? =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: /usr/bin/sudo journalctl -b 0 -u dnsmasq # dnsmasq log -- No entries -- =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: /usr/bin/networkctl # systemd-networkd status IDX LINK TYPE OPERATIONAL SETUP 1 lo loopback carrier unmanaged 2 enp5s0 ether routable configured 3 enp6s0 ether routable configured 4 tailscale0 none routable unmanaged 4 links listed. =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: d # NetworkManager status COMMAND NOT FOUND: nmcli d =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: /usr/bin/sudo journalctl -b 0 -u networkd-dispatcher # networkd-dispatcher log Oct 17 11:57:58 box systemd[1]: Starting networkd-dispatcher.service - Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd... Oct 17 11:57:59 box networkd-dispatcher[764]: No valid path found for iwconfig Oct 17 11:57:59 box networkd-dispatcher[764]: No valid path found for iw Oct 17 11:57:59 box systemd[1]: Started networkd-dispatcher.service - Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd. Oct 17 11:57:59 box networkd-dispatcher[764]: WARNING:Unknown index 4 seen, reloading interface list =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: list # Are WiFi and Bluetooth interfaces blocked? COMMAND NOT FOUND: rfkill list =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: reg get # Detected WiFi country code / legal frequencies COMMAND NOT FOUND: iw reg get =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: dev # List wireless interfaces COMMAND NOT FOUND: iw dev =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: list # List capabilities of all wireless devices COMMAND NOT FOUND: iw list =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: /usr/bin/systemctl status hostapd # Downstream Wi-Fi: Is hostapd running? =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: /usr/bin/ls -l /etc/wpa_supplicant # Upstream Wi-Fi =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: /usr/bin/ps -AH # Process hierarchy: staging of hostapd & wpa_supplicant? PID TTY TIME CMD 2 ? 00:00:00 kthreadd 3 ? 00:00:00 pool_workqueue_release 4 ? 00:00:00 kworker/R-rcu_gp 5 ? 00:00:00 kworker/R-sync_wq 6 ? 00:00:00 kworker/R-slub_flushwq 7 ? 00:00:00 kworker/R-netns 10 ? 00:00:00 kworker/0:0H-kblockd 12 ? 00:00:00 kworker/R-mm_percpu_wq 13 ? 00:00:00 rcu_tasks_kthread 14 ? 00:00:00 rcu_tasks_rude_kthread 15 ? 00:00:00 rcu_tasks_trace_kthread 16 ? 00:00:00 ksoftirqd/0 17 ? 00:00:03 rcu_preempt 18 ? 00:00:00 rcu_exp_par_gp_kthread_worker/0 19 ? 00:00:00 rcu_exp_gp_kthread_worker 20 ? 00:00:01 migration/0 21 ? 00:00:00 idle_inject/0 22 ? 00:00:00 cpuhp/0 23 ? 00:00:00 cpuhp/1 24 ? 00:00:00 idle_inject/1 25 ? 00:00:01 migration/1 26 ? 00:00:00 ksoftirqd/1 28 ? 00:00:00 kworker/1:0H-events_highpri 29 ? 00:00:00 kdevtmpfs 30 ? 00:00:00 kworker/R-inet_frag_wq 32 ? 00:00:00 kauditd 33 ? 00:00:00 khungtaskd 34 ? 00:00:00 oom_reaper 36 ? 00:00:00 kworker/R-writeback 37 ? 00:00:08 kcompactd0 38 ? 00:00:00 ksmd 39 ? 00:00:00 khugepaged 40 ? 00:00:00 kworker/R-kintegrityd 41 ? 00:00:00 kworker/R-kblockd 42 ? 00:00:00 kworker/R-blkcg_punt_bio 43 ? 00:00:00 irq/9-acpi 45 ? 00:00:00 kworker/R-tpm_dev_wq 46 ? 00:00:00 kworker/R-ata_sff 47 ? 00:00:00 kworker/R-md 48 ? 00:00:00 kworker/R-md_bitmap 49 ? 00:00:00 kworker/R-edac-poller 50 ? 00:00:00 kworker/R-devfreq_wq 51 ? 00:00:00 watchdogd 52 ? 00:00:01 kworker/1:1H-kblockd 53 ? 00:00:00 kswapd0 54 ? 00:00:00 ecryptfs-kthread 55 ? 00:00:00 kworker/R-kthrotld 56 ? 00:00:00 irq/24-aerdrv 57 ? 00:00:00 irq/25-aerdrv 58 ? 00:00:00 irq/26-aerdrv 59 ? 00:00:00 irq/27-aerdrv 60 ? 00:00:00 irq/28-aerdrv 61 ? 00:00:00 irq/29-aerdrv 62 ? 00:00:00 irq/30-aerdrv 63 ? 00:00:00 irq/31-aerdrv 64 ? 00:00:00 irq/32-aerdrv 65 ? 00:00:00 irq/33-aerdrv 66 ? 00:00:00 kworker/R-acpi_thermal_pm 67 ? 00:00:00 scsi_eh_0 68 ? 00:00:00 kworker/R-scsi_tmf_0 69 ? 00:00:00 kworker/0:1H 71 ? 00:00:00 kworker/R-mld 72 ? 00:00:00 kworker/R-ipv6_addrconf 79 ? 00:00:00 kworker/R-kstrp 81 ? 00:00:00 kworker/u33:0 86 ? 00:00:00 kworker/R-cryptd 95 ? 00:00:00 kworker/R-charger_manager 140 ? 00:00:00 hwrng 149 ? 00:00:00 scsi_eh_1 150 ? 00:00:00 kworker/R-scsi_tmf_1 151 ? 00:00:00 scsi_eh_2 152 ? 00:00:00 kworker/R-scsi_tmf_2 162 ? 00:00:00 scsi_eh_3 163 ? 00:00:00 kworker/R-scsi_tmf_3 169 ? 00:00:00 scsi_eh_4 170 ? 00:00:00 kworker/R-scsi_tmf_4 171 ? 00:00:00 scsi_eh_5 172 ? 00:00:00 kworker/R-scsi_tmf_5 173 ? 00:00:00 scsi_eh_6 174 ? 00:00:00 kworker/R-scsi_tmf_6 213 ? 00:00:00 kworker/R-raid5wq 255 ? 00:00:01 jbd2/sda1-8 256 ? 00:00:00 kworker/R-ext4-rsv-conversion 333 ? 00:00:00 psimon 357 ? 00:00:00 kworker/R-kmpathd 359 ? 00:00:00 kworker/R-kmpath_handlerd 415 ? 00:00:00 psimon 502 ? 00:00:00 jbd2/sda13-8 503 ? 00:00:00 kworker/R-ext4-rsv-conversion 1911 ? 00:00:00 kworker/R-tls-strp 17924 ? 00:00:01 kworker/u32:0-events_unbound 17984 ? 00:00:02 kworker/0:3-events 18536 ? 00:00:04 kworker/1:2-mm_percpu_wq 20272 ? 00:00:00 kworker/u32:2-events_unbound 20286 ? 00:00:01 kworker/0:1-cgroup_destroy 20929 ? 00:00:00 kworker/u32:1-flush-8:0 20933 ? 00:00:00 kworker/1:0-cgroup_destroy 20953 ? 00:00:00 kworker/u32:3-events_unbound 21088 ? 00:00:00 kworker/0:0 1 ? 00:00:16 systemd 340 ? 00:00:03 systemd-journal 384 ? 00:00:24 multipathd 411 ? 00:00:00 systemd-udevd 508 ? 00:00:43 lxd-agent 569 ? 00:00:00 systemd-resolve 572 ? 00:00:01 systemd-timesyn 702 ? 00:00:01 systemd-network 753 ? 00:00:00 cron 754 ? 00:00:07 dbus-daemon 764 ? 00:00:00 networkd-dispat 766 ? 00:00:16 php-fpm8.3 896 ? 00:00:00 php-fpm8.3 897 ? 00:00:00 php-fpm8.3 768 ? 00:00:11 demuxer 769 ? 00:00:00 polkitd 778 ? 00:00:03 systemd-logind 782 ? 00:02:06 tailscaled 783 ? 00:00:04 udisksd 803 ? 00:00:00 sshd 1348 ? 00:00:00 sshd 1515 ? 00:00:00 sshd 20954 ? 00:00:00 sshd 21010 ? 00:00:00 sshd 21011 pts/0 00:00:00 bash 21029 pts/0 00:00:00 sudo 21030 pts/1 00:00:00 sudo 21031 pts/1 00:00:00 bash 21349 pts/1 00:00:00 iiab-diagnostic 22199 pts/1 00:00:00 ps 814 ttyS0 00:00:00 agetty 841 tty1 00:00:00 agetty 868 ? 00:00:00 unattended-upgr 892 ? 00:00:00 ModemManager 895 ? 00:00:00 rsyslogd 956 ? 00:00:00 nginx 960 ? 00:00:02 nginx 969 ? 00:00:02 nginx 1309 ? 00:00:01 master 1311 ? 00:00:00 qmgr 18080 ? 00:00:00 pickup 1352 ? 00:00:00 systemd 1353 ? 00:00:00 (sd-pam) 21094 ? 00:00:03 python3 =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: /usr/bin/dmesg | grep -i -e 80211 -e 802\.11 -e wireless -e wifi -e wlan -e broadcom -e brcm -e bcm -e realtek | head -100 # Wi-Fi firmware/driver msgs =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: /usr/bin/lspci -nn # Devices on PCI buses 00:00.0 Host bridge [0600]: Intel Corporation 82G33/G31/P35/P31 Express DRAM Controller [8086:29c0] 00:01.0 PCI bridge [0604]: Red Hat, Inc. QEMU PCIe Root port [1b36:000c] 00:01.1 PCI bridge [0604]: Red Hat, Inc. QEMU PCIe Root port [1b36:000c] 00:01.2 PCI bridge [0604]: Red Hat, Inc. QEMU PCIe Root port [1b36:000c] 00:01.3 PCI bridge [0604]: Red Hat, Inc. QEMU PCIe Root port [1b36:000c] 00:01.4 PCI bridge [0604]: Red Hat, Inc. QEMU PCIe Root port [1b36:000c] 00:01.5 PCI bridge [0604]: Red Hat, Inc. QEMU PCIe Root port [1b36:000c] 00:01.6 PCI bridge [0604]: Red Hat, Inc. QEMU PCIe Root port [1b36:000c] 00:01.7 PCI bridge [0604]: Red Hat, Inc. QEMU PCIe Root port [1b36:000c] 00:02.0 PCI bridge [0604]: Red Hat, Inc. QEMU PCIe Root port [1b36:000c] 00:02.1 PCI bridge [0604]: Red Hat, Inc. QEMU PCIe Root port [1b36:000c] 00:1f.0 ISA bridge [0601]: Intel Corporation 82801IB (ICH9) LPC Interface Controller [8086:2918] (rev 02) 00:1f.2 SATA controller [0106]: Intel Corporation 82801IR/IO/IH (ICH9R/DO/DH) 6 port SATA Controller [AHCI mode] [8086:2922] (rev 02) 00:1f.3 SMBus [0c05]: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) SMBus Controller [8086:2930] (rev 02) 01:00.0 Unclassified device [00ff]: Red Hat, Inc. Virtio 1.0 memory balloon [1af4:1045] (rev 01) 01:00.1 Unclassified device [00ff]: Red Hat, Inc. Virtio 1.0 RNG [1af4:1044] (rev 01) 01:00.2 Keyboard controller [0900]: Red Hat, Inc. Virtio 1.0 input [1af4:1052] (rev 01) 01:00.3 Input device controller [0980]: Red Hat, Inc. Virtio 1.0 input [1af4:1052] (rev 01) 01:00.4 Communication controller [0780]: Red Hat, Inc. Virtio 1.0 socket [1af4:1053] (rev 01) 01:00.5 Communication controller [0780]: Red Hat, Inc. Virtio 1.0 console [1af4:1043] (rev 01) 01:00.6 USB controller [0c03]: Red Hat, Inc. QEMU XHCI Host Controller [1b36:000d] (rev 01) 02:00.0 SCSI storage controller [0100]: Red Hat, Inc. Virtio 1.0 SCSI [1af4:1048] (rev 01) 03:00.0 Unclassified device [0002]: Red Hat, Inc. Virtio 1.0 filesystem [1af4:1049] (rev 01) 03:00.1 Mass storage controller [0180]: Red Hat, Inc. Virtio file system [1af4:105a] (rev 01) 04:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Red Hat, Inc. Virtio 1.0 GPU [1af4:1050] (rev 01) 05:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Red Hat, Inc. Virtio 1.0 network device [1af4:1041] (rev 01) 06:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Red Hat, Inc. Virtio 1.0 network device [1af4:1041] (rev 01) =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: /usr/bin/ls -l /lib/firmware/cypress/*43430* # RPi Zero W & 3 WiFi firmware =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: /usr/bin/ls -l /lib/firmware/cypress/*43455* # RPi 3 B+ & 4 WiFi firmware =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: /usr/bin/env # Environment variables SHELL=/bin/bash SUDO_GID=1000 SUDO_COMMAND=/bin/bash SUDO_USER=ubuntu PWD=/library/calibre-web LOGNAME=root _=/usr/bin/env HOME=/root LANG=C.UTF-8 LS_COLORS=rs=0:di=01;34:ln=01;36:mh=00:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=40;31;01:mi=00:su=37;41:sg=30;43:ca=00:tw=30;42:ow=34;42:st=37;44:ex=01;32:*.tar=01;31:*.tgz=01;31:*.arc=01;31:*.arj=01;31:*.taz=01;31:*.lha=01;31:*.lz4=01;31:*.lzh=01;31:*.lzma=01;31:*.tlz=01;31:*.txz=01;31:*.tzo=01;31:*.t7z=01;31:*.zip=01;31:*.z=01;31:*.dz=01;31:*.gz=01;31:*.lrz=01;31:*.lz=01;31:*.lzo=01;31:*.xz=01;31:*.zst=01;31:*.tzst=01;31:*.bz2=01;31:*.bz=01;31:*.tbz=01;31:*.tbz2=01;31:*.tz=01;31:*.deb=01;31:*.rpm=01;31:*.jar=01;31:*.war=01;31:*.ear=01;31:*.sar=01;31:*.rar=01;31:*.alz=01;31:*.ace=01;31:*.zoo=01;31:*.cpio=01;31:*.7z=01;31:*.rz=01;31:*.cab=01;31:*.wim=01;31:*.swm=01;31:*.dwm=01;31:*.esd=01;31:*.avif=01;35:*.jpg=01;35:*.jpeg=01;35:*.mjpg=01;35:*.mjpeg=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.bmp=01;35:*.pbm=01;35:*.pgm=01;35:*.ppm=01;35:*.tga=01;35:*.xbm=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:*.tif=01;35:*.tiff=01;35:*.png=01;35:*.svg=01;35:*.svgz=01;35:*.mng=01;35:*.pcx=01;35:*.mov=01;35:*.mpg=01;35:*.mpeg=01;35:*.m2v=01;35:*.mkv=01;35:*.webm=01;35:*.webp=01;35:*.ogm=01;35:*.mp4=01;35:*.m4v=01;35:*.mp4v=01;35:*.vob=01;35:*.qt=01;35:*.nuv=01;35:*.wmv=01;35:*.asf=01;35:*.rm=01;35:*.rmvb=01;35:*.flc=01;35:*.avi=01;35:*.fli=01;35:*.flv=01;35:*.gl=01;35:*.dl=01;35:*.xcf=01;35:*.xwd=01;35:*.yuv=01;35:*.cgm=01;35:*.emf=01;35:*.ogv=01;35:*.ogx=01;35:*.aac=00;36:*.au=00;36:*.flac=00;36:*.m4a=00;36:*.mid=00;36:*.midi=00;36:*.mka=00;36:*.mp3=00;36:*.mpc=00;36:*.ogg=00;36:*.ra=00;36:*.wav=00;36:*.oga=00;36:*.opus=00;36:*.spx=00;36:*.xspf=00;36:*~=00;90:*#=00;90:*.bak=00;90:*.crdownload=00;90:*.dpkg-dist=00;90:*.dpkg-new=00;90:*.dpkg-old=00;90:*.dpkg-tmp=00;90:*.old=00;90:*.orig=00;90:*.part=00;90:*.rej=00;90:*.rpmnew=00;90:*.rpmorig=00;90:*.rpmsave=00;90:*.swp=00;90:*.tmp=00;90:*.ucf-dist=00;90:*.ucf-new=00;90:*.ucf-old=00;90: LESSCLOSE=/usr/bin/lesspipe %s %s TERM=xterm LESSOPEN=| /usr/bin/lesspipe %s USER=root SHLVL=2 XDG_DATA_DIRS=/usr/local/share:/usr/share:/var/lib/snapd/desktop PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin SUDO_UID=1000 MAIL=/var/mail/root OLDPWD=/root =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: -v # Node.js version COMMAND NOT FOUND: node -v =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: -v # npm version COMMAND NOT FOUND: npm -v =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: --version # kiwix-tools COMMAND NOT FOUND: /opt/iiab/kiwix/bin/kiwix-serve --version =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: cd /usr/local/calibre-web-py3; sudo git log --graph --oneline --decorate | head -50 # Calibre-Web version * 0ba2ec53 (HEAD -> master) Merge pull request #266 from holta/omg.yml-faster |\ | * 60c0b5f6 Faster omg.yml w/ nodocs: True + network_install: False |/ * c1035d56 Merge pull request #261 from janeczku/master |\ | * 94df767c Reupdate slovenian translation * | bf685667 (origin/master, origin/HEAD) Merge branch 'janeczku:master' into master |\| | * 1eb9cd44 Improve message on error cover downlaod | * eb656348 Fix #3153 (In Firefox, Github OAuth login goes into infinite redirect loops) | * 2f39e51e Fix for #3151 (Invalid amazon link for uk) | * 884f7666 Integrate advocate and change netiface requirement | * c54e9fe5 Updated slovenian language | |\ | | * d82944d0 Updated Slovenian translation | |/ * | 2f7ae47e Merge branch 'janeczku:master' into master |\| | * 97764acb Added missing locale for datepicker in Slovenian language | * 53f0647c New Slovenian translation | * b5ee07eb Revert "Update Slovenian translation" | * 5fe13f53 Update Slovenian translation | * 89a1dcfb Fix for #3145 (improved contrast for epub reader headline) | * 10d0542e Removed obsolete code | * 111c93c3 Merge remote-tracking branch 'it/patch-1' | |\ | | * 2d7cf1e6 Update italian | * | 1d9471b2 Possible fix for #3150 (Invalid cross-device link) without coping metadata | * | 88cb58c2 Fix for load metadata from amazon | |/ * | 486b7bbc Merge branch 'janeczku:master' into master |\| | * 481237dc Fix for #3131 (Enable/Disable "Separate Book Files from Library" issue) | * 5e9dfc07 Test update * | 265bb088 Merge pull request #242 from holta/update_title_sort-TO-create_functions |\ \ | * | 0035e822 cps/ RENAME update_title_sort TO create_functions FOR PR #240 |/ / * | 16a1d69f Merge pull request #240 from holta/12-upstream-commits |\ \ | * | 8c3ed8e0 12 upstream commits, 29 files changes, 2 merge conflicts resolved (cps/ cps/ |/| | | |/ | * ce720f40 Shelf sort algorithm is now saved (#3003) | |\ | | * c92115fa Update save shelf sort algorithm | * | a1f9f03f Fix for #3130 (only last e-mail address is saved when specifying multiple e-reader mail addresses in user settings) | * | 6a504673 Merge branch 'Develop': | |\| =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: /usr/bin/sudo lb --version # xklb version 2.9.066 =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: /usr/bin/sudo yt-dlp --version # yt-dlp version 2024.10.07 =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: /usr/bin/systemctl status calibre-web # Is Calibre-Web running? ● calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/calibre-web.service; enabled; preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Fri 2024-10-18 09:04:47 EDT; 3min 11s ago Invocation: d1237e43d15045f3b4ecdeea8922a243 Main PID: 21094 (python3) Tasks: 5 (limit: 2252) Memory: 94.7M (peak: 190.6M) CPU: 7.694s CGroup: /system.slice/calibre-web.service └─21094 /usr/local/calibre-web-py3/bin/python3 /usr/local/calibre-web-py3/ -p /library/calibre-web/config/app.db Oct 18 09:04:47 box systemd[1]: Started calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: /usr/bin/journalctl -u calibre-web | tail -100 # Calibre-Web systemd log Sep 30 15:58:36 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Deactivated successfully. Sep 30 15:58:36 box systemd[1]: Stopped calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. Sep 30 15:58:36 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Consumed 1min 49.438s CPU time, 135.1M memory peak. -- Boot 4064ca3100074f98bd68350e7f9693f4 -- Oct 02 15:58:07 box systemd[1]: Started calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. Oct 02 15:59:00 box systemd[1]: Stopping calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web... Oct 02 15:59:00 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Deactivated successfully. Oct 02 15:59:00 box systemd[1]: Stopped calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. Oct 02 15:59:00 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Consumed 2.266s CPU time, 125.4M memory peak. Oct 02 15:59:00 box systemd[1]: Started calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. Oct 02 15:59:02 box systemd[1]: Stopping calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web... Oct 02 15:59:02 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Deactivated successfully. Oct 02 15:59:02 box systemd[1]: Stopped calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. Oct 02 15:59:02 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Consumed 1.745s CPU time, 87.1M memory peak. -- Boot b77896853e4340659c33d75a4b0cd7c9 -- Oct 08 10:36:55 box systemd[1]: Started calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. Oct 08 10:38:20 box systemd[1]: Stopping calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web... Oct 08 10:38:20 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Deactivated successfully. Oct 08 10:38:20 box systemd[1]: Stopped calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. Oct 08 10:38:20 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Consumed 2.010s CPU time, 125.3M memory peak. Oct 08 10:38:20 box systemd[1]: Started calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. Oct 08 10:38:22 box systemd[1]: Stopping calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web... Oct 08 10:38:22 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Deactivated successfully. Oct 08 10:38:22 box systemd[1]: Stopped calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. Oct 08 10:38:22 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Consumed 1.682s CPU time, 86M memory peak. -- Boot f16e5d3fdcd2424f843bb4ea3da4ddb6 -- Oct 10 09:21:22 box systemd[1]: Started calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. Oct 10 09:23:37 box systemd[1]: Stopping calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web... Oct 10 09:23:38 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Deactivated successfully. Oct 10 09:23:38 box systemd[1]: Stopped calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. Oct 10 09:23:38 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Consumed 1.973s CPU time, 125.4M memory peak. -- Boot 000687d676b9424f8d6f233796e1bf8c -- Oct 10 13:51:03 box systemd[1]: Started calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. Oct 10 16:20:04 box systemd[1]: Stopping calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web... Oct 10 16:20:04 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Deactivated successfully. Oct 10 16:20:04 box systemd[1]: Stopped calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. Oct 10 16:20:04 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Consumed 4.366s CPU time, 125.7M memory peak. -- Boot b76b9d3143ee42e19fff8b49dd6c232e -- Oct 10 16:23:47 box systemd[1]: Started calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. Oct 10 16:30:26 box systemd[1]: Stopping calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web... Oct 10 16:30:27 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Deactivated successfully. Oct 10 16:30:27 box systemd[1]: Stopped calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. Oct 10 16:30:27 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Consumed 2.057s CPU time, 131M memory peak. -- Boot bf2a48b961264964983a35f58a4eb2f0 -- Oct 11 14:28:16 box systemd[1]: Started calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. Oct 11 14:28:33 box systemd[1]: Stopping calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web... Oct 11 14:28:34 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Deactivated successfully. Oct 11 14:28:34 box systemd[1]: Stopped calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. Oct 11 14:28:34 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Consumed 1.984s CPU time, 131M memory peak. -- Boot 5e209097d1f34fa3b61a79566c2d9f2b -- Oct 15 13:14:01 box systemd[1]: Started calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. Oct 15 13:14:09 box systemd[1]: Stopping calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web... Oct 15 13:14:10 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Deactivated successfully. Oct 15 13:14:10 box systemd[1]: Stopped calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. Oct 15 13:14:10 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Consumed 1.998s CPU time, 127.6M memory peak. -- Boot 74cf3a5240274f18a1bede69c81579be -- Oct 15 13:21:13 box systemd[1]: Started calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. Oct 15 14:21:01 box systemd[1]: Stopping calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web... Oct 15 14:21:02 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Deactivated successfully. Oct 15 14:21:02 box systemd[1]: Stopped calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. Oct 15 14:21:02 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Consumed 2.901s CPU time, 126.6M memory peak. -- Boot 8079dbb8c49f431a9302536124b43a1f -- Oct 16 19:46:50 box systemd[1]: Started calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. Oct 16 19:47:07 box systemd[1]: Stopping calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web... Oct 16 19:47:08 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Deactivated successfully. Oct 16 19:47:08 box systemd[1]: Stopped calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. Oct 16 19:47:08 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Consumed 1.974s CPU time, 131M memory peak. -- Boot 3607c41b36d846089400424277123ec8 -- Oct 17 08:47:06 box systemd[1]: Started calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. Oct 17 08:54:05 box systemd[1]: Stopping calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web... Oct 17 08:54:05 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Deactivated successfully. Oct 17 08:54:05 box systemd[1]: Stopped calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. Oct 17 08:54:05 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Consumed 7.755s CPU time, 360.7M memory peak. Oct 17 08:54:07 box systemd[1]: Started calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. Oct 17 11:57:42 box systemd[1]: Stopping calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web... Oct 17 11:57:42 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Deactivated successfully. Oct 17 11:57:42 box systemd[1]: Stopped calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. Oct 17 11:57:42 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Consumed 17.984s CPU time, 193.3M memory peak. -- Boot 80f8a7a9023f4d72b8be410283fedd48 -- Oct 17 11:57:58 box systemd[1]: Started calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. Oct 17 12:54:08 box systemd[1]: Stopping calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web... Oct 17 12:54:09 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Deactivated successfully. Oct 17 12:54:09 box systemd[1]: Stopped calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. Oct 17 12:54:09 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Consumed 12.175s CPU time, 367.1M memory peak. Oct 17 12:54:10 box systemd[1]: Started calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. Oct 18 00:08:33 box systemd[1]: Stopping calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web... Oct 18 00:08:33 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Deactivated successfully. Oct 18 00:08:33 box systemd[1]: Stopped calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. Oct 18 00:08:33 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Consumed 30.203s CPU time, 91M memory peak. Oct 18 00:08:34 box systemd[1]: Started calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. Oct 18 08:27:32 box systemd[1]: Stopping calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web... Oct 18 08:27:32 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Deactivated successfully. Oct 18 08:27:32 box systemd[1]: Stopped calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. Oct 18 08:27:32 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Consumed 22.583s CPU time, 86.9M memory peak. Oct 18 08:27:33 box systemd[1]: Started calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. Oct 18 09:04:29 box systemd[1]: Stopping calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web... Oct 18 09:04:29 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Deactivated successfully. Oct 18 09:04:29 box systemd[1]: Stopped calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. Oct 18 09:04:29 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Consumed 3.114s CPU time, 86.3M memory peak. Oct 18 09:04:47 box systemd[1]: Started calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. =IIAB========================================================================== -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 95356 Oct 18 09:05 /var/log/calibre-web.log ...ITS LAST 100 LINES FOLLOW... [2024-10-18 00:08:35,089] WARN {py.warnings:112} /usr/local/calibre-web-py3/lib/python3.12/site-packages/flask_limiter/ UserWarning: Using the in-memory storage for tracking rate limits as no storage was explicitly specified. This is not recommended for production use. See: for documentation about configuring the storage backend. warnings.warn( [2024-10-18 00:08:35,165] DEBUG {cps.gdriveutils:83} Cannot import pydrive, httplib2, using gdrive will not work: No module named 'pydrive' [2024-10-18 00:08:35,306] INFO {apscheduler.scheduler:181} Scheduler started [2024-10-18 00:08:35,307] INFO {apscheduler.scheduler:895} Added job "delete temp" to job store "default" [2024-10-18 00:08:35,307] INFO {apscheduler.scheduler:895} Added job "end scheduled task" to job store "default" [2024-10-18 00:08:35,307] INFO {apscheduler.scheduler:895} Added job "immediately delete temp" to job store "default" [2024-10-18 00:08:35,308] INFO {apscheduler.executors.default:123} Running job "immediately delete temp (trigger: date[2024-10-18 00:08:35 EDT], next run at: 2024-10-18 00:08:35 EDT)" (scheduled at 2024-10-18 00:08:35.307865-04:00) [2024-10-18 00:08:35,308] INFO {apscheduler.scheduler:641} Removed job 7fb9f29370db4e1c8816e006af42a182 [2024-10-18 00:08:35,310] DEBUG {} Add Task for user: System - Clean up [2024-10-18 00:08:35,310] INFO {apscheduler.executors.default:144} Job "immediately delete temp (trigger: date[2024-10-18 00:08:35 EDT], next run at: 2024-10-18 00:08:35 EDT)" executed successfully [2024-10-18 00:08:35,311] DEBUG {cps.tasks.clean:43} Deleted expired session_keys [2024-10-18 00:08:35,398] DEBUG {cps.comic:46} Cannot import comicapi, extracting comic metadata will not work: No module named 'comicapi' [2024-10-18 00:08:35,398] DEBUG {cps.comic:53} Cannot import rarfile, extracting cover files from rar files will not work: No module named 'rarfile' [2024-10-18 00:08:35,399] DEBUG {cps.comic:59} Cannot import py7zr, extracting cover files from CB7 files will not work: No module named 'py7zr' [2024-10-18 00:08:35,454] DEBUG {cps.uploader:82} Cannot import mutagen, extracting audio metadata will not work: No module named 'mutagen' [2024-10-18 00:08:35,476] DEBUG {cps.admin:83} Cannot import Flask-Dance, login with Oauth will not work: No module named 'flask_dance' [2024-10-18 00:08:35,479] DEBUG {cps.gdrive:44} Cannot import googleapiclient, using GDrive will not work: No module named 'googleapiclient' [2024-10-18 00:08:35,532] DEBUG {cps.search_metadata:61} Import error for metadata source: lubimyczytac - No module named 'html2text' [2024-10-18 00:08:35,538] DEBUG {cps.search_metadata:61} Import error for metadata source: scholar - No module named 'scholarly' [2024-10-18 00:08:35,538] DEBUG {cps.search_metadata:61} Import error for metadata source: amazon - No module named 'bs4' [2024-10-18 00:08:35,538] DEBUG {cps.search_metadata:61} Import error for metadata source: douban - No module named 'html2text' [2024-10-18 00:08:35,621] INFO {cps.server:268} Starting Tornado server on :8083 [2024-10-18 04:00:00,003] INFO {apscheduler.executors.default:123} Running job "delete temp (trigger: cron[hour='4'], next run at: 2024-10-19 04:00:00 EDT)" (scheduled at 2024-10-18 04:00:00-04:00) [2024-10-18 04:00:00,007] DEBUG {} Add Task for user: System - Clean up [2024-10-18 04:00:00,007] INFO {apscheduler.executors.default:144} Job "delete temp (trigger: cron[hour='4'], next run at: 2024-10-19 04:00:00 EDT)" executed successfully [2024-10-18 04:00:00,008] DEBUG {cps.tasks.clean:43} Deleted expired session_keys [2024-10-18 04:10:00,000] INFO {apscheduler.executors.default:123} Running job "end scheduled task (trigger: cron[hour='4', minute='10'], next run at: 2024-10-19 04:10:00 EDT)" (scheduled at 2024-10-18 04:10:00-04:00) [2024-10-18 04:10:00,001] INFO {apscheduler.executors.default:144} Job "end scheduled task (trigger: cron[hour='4', minute='10'], next run at: 2024-10-19 04:10:00 EDT)" executed successfully [2024-10-18 08:27:32,528] INFO {cps.server:319} webserver stop (restart=False) [2024-10-18 08:27:32,529] INFO {apscheduler.scheduler:212} Scheduler has been shut down [2024-10-18 08:27:32,529] INFO {cps.server:298} Performing shutdown of Calibre-Web [2024-10-18 08:27:34,404] INFO {cps:171} *** "greenlet" version does not meet the requirements. Should: <3.1.0, Found: 3.1.1, please consider installing required version *** [2024-10-18 08:27:34,404] INFO {cps:180} Starting Calibre Web... [2024-10-18 08:27:34,410] DEBUG {} Cannot import goodreads, showing authors-metadata will not work: No module named 'goodreads' [2024-10-18 08:27:34,410] DEBUG {} Cannot import simpleldap, logging in with ldap will not work: No module named 'flask_simpleldap' [2024-10-18 08:27:34,455] DEBUG {} Cannot import gmail, sending books via Gmail Oauth2 Verification will not work: No module named 'google_auth_oauthlib' [2024-10-18 08:27:34,514] WARN {py.warnings:112} /usr/local/calibre-web-py3/lib/python3.12/site-packages/flask_limiter/ UserWarning: Using the in-memory storage for tracking rate limits as no storage was explicitly specified. This is not recommended for production use. See: for documentation about configuring the storage backend. warnings.warn( [2024-10-18 08:27:34,592] DEBUG {cps.gdriveutils:83} Cannot import pydrive, httplib2, using gdrive will not work: No module named 'pydrive' [2024-10-18 08:27:34,734] INFO {apscheduler.scheduler:181} Scheduler started [2024-10-18 08:27:34,735] INFO {apscheduler.scheduler:895} Added job "delete temp" to job store "default" [2024-10-18 08:27:34,735] INFO {apscheduler.scheduler:895} Added job "end scheduled task" to job store "default" [2024-10-18 08:27:34,735] INFO {apscheduler.scheduler:895} Added job "immediately delete temp" to job store "default" [2024-10-18 08:27:34,735] INFO {apscheduler.executors.default:123} Running job "immediately delete temp (trigger: date[2024-10-18 08:27:34 EDT], next run at: 2024-10-18 08:27:34 EDT)" (scheduled at 2024-10-18 08:27:34.735606-04:00) [2024-10-18 08:27:34,736] INFO {apscheduler.scheduler:641} Removed job 969f14f32a454b398a4ee001e4d45714 [2024-10-18 08:27:34,737] DEBUG {} Add Task for user: System - Clean up [2024-10-18 08:27:34,737] INFO {apscheduler.executors.default:144} Job "immediately delete temp (trigger: date[2024-10-18 08:27:34 EDT], next run at: 2024-10-18 08:27:34 EDT)" executed successfully [2024-10-18 08:27:34,737] DEBUG {cps.tasks.clean:43} Deleted expired session_keys [2024-10-18 08:27:34,829] DEBUG {cps.comic:46} Cannot import comicapi, extracting comic metadata will not work: No module named 'comicapi' [2024-10-18 08:27:34,829] DEBUG {cps.comic:53} Cannot import rarfile, extracting cover files from rar files will not work: No module named 'rarfile' [2024-10-18 08:27:34,829] DEBUG {cps.comic:59} Cannot import py7zr, extracting cover files from CB7 files will not work: No module named 'py7zr' [2024-10-18 08:27:34,884] DEBUG {cps.uploader:82} Cannot import mutagen, extracting audio metadata will not work: No module named 'mutagen' [2024-10-18 08:27:34,906] DEBUG {cps.admin:83} Cannot import Flask-Dance, login with Oauth will not work: No module named 'flask_dance' [2024-10-18 08:27:34,909] DEBUG {cps.gdrive:44} Cannot import googleapiclient, using GDrive will not work: No module named 'googleapiclient' [2024-10-18 08:27:34,963] DEBUG {cps.search_metadata:61} Import error for metadata source: lubimyczytac - No module named 'html2text' [2024-10-18 08:27:34,969] DEBUG {cps.search_metadata:61} Import error for metadata source: scholar - No module named 'scholarly' [2024-10-18 08:27:34,969] DEBUG {cps.search_metadata:61} Import error for metadata source: amazon - No module named 'bs4' [2024-10-18 08:27:34,970] DEBUG {cps.search_metadata:61} Import error for metadata source: douban - No module named 'html2text' [2024-10-18 08:27:35,055] INFO {cps.server:268} Starting Tornado server on :8083 [2024-10-18 09:04:29,157] INFO {cps.server:319} webserver stop (restart=False) [2024-10-18 09:04:29,158] INFO {apscheduler.scheduler:212} Scheduler has been shut down [2024-10-18 09:04:29,159] INFO {cps.server:298} Performing shutdown of Calibre-Web [2024-10-18 09:04:48,133] INFO {cps:171} *** "greenlet" version does not meet the requirements. Should: <3.1.0, Found: 3.1.1, please consider installing required version *** [2024-10-18 09:04:48,133] INFO {cps:180} Starting Calibre Web... [2024-10-18 09:04:48,139] DEBUG {} Cannot import goodreads, showing authors-metadata will not work: No module named 'goodreads' [2024-10-18 09:04:48,139] DEBUG {} Cannot import simpleldap, logging in with ldap will not work: No module named 'flask_simpleldap' [2024-10-18 09:04:48,184] DEBUG {} Cannot import gmail, sending books via Gmail Oauth2 Verification will not work: No module named 'google_auth_oauthlib' [2024-10-18 09:04:48,243] WARN {py.warnings:112} /usr/local/calibre-web-py3/lib/python3.12/site-packages/flask_limiter/ UserWarning: Using the in-memory storage for tracking rate limits as no storage was explicitly specified. This is not recommended for production use. See: for documentation about configuring the storage backend. warnings.warn( [2024-10-18 09:04:48,324] DEBUG {cps.gdriveutils:83} Cannot import pydrive, httplib2, using gdrive will not work: No module named 'pydrive' [2024-10-18 09:04:48,466] INFO {apscheduler.scheduler:181} Scheduler started [2024-10-18 09:04:48,466] INFO {apscheduler.scheduler:895} Added job "delete temp" to job store "default" [2024-10-18 09:04:48,467] INFO {apscheduler.scheduler:895} Added job "end scheduled task" to job store "default" [2024-10-18 09:04:48,467] INFO {apscheduler.scheduler:895} Added job "immediately delete temp" to job store "default" [2024-10-18 09:04:48,467] INFO {apscheduler.executors.default:123} Running job "immediately delete temp (trigger: date[2024-10-18 09:04:48 EDT], next run at: 2024-10-18 09:04:48 EDT)" (scheduled at 2024-10-18 09:04:48.467244-04:00) [2024-10-18 09:04:48,467] INFO {apscheduler.scheduler:641} Removed job ecc42fd72b304036b79efae469f0c2bc [2024-10-18 09:04:48,469] DEBUG {} Add Task for user: System - Clean up [2024-10-18 09:04:48,470] INFO {apscheduler.executors.default:144} Job "immediately delete temp (trigger: date[2024-10-18 09:04:48 EDT], next run at: 2024-10-18 09:04:48 EDT)" executed successfully [2024-10-18 09:04:48,471] DEBUG {cps.tasks.clean:43} Deleted expired session_keys [2024-10-18 09:04:48,559] DEBUG {cps.comic:46} Cannot import comicapi, extracting comic metadata will not work: No module named 'comicapi' [2024-10-18 09:04:48,560] DEBUG {cps.comic:53} Cannot import rarfile, extracting cover files from rar files will not work: No module named 'rarfile' [2024-10-18 09:04:48,560] DEBUG {cps.comic:59} Cannot import py7zr, extracting cover files from CB7 files will not work: No module named 'py7zr' [2024-10-18 09:04:48,614] DEBUG {cps.uploader:82} Cannot import mutagen, extracting audio metadata will not work: No module named 'mutagen' [2024-10-18 09:04:48,636] DEBUG {cps.admin:83} Cannot import Flask-Dance, login with Oauth will not work: No module named 'flask_dance' [2024-10-18 09:04:48,639] DEBUG {cps.gdrive:44} Cannot import googleapiclient, using GDrive will not work: No module named 'googleapiclient' [2024-10-18 09:04:48,693] DEBUG {cps.search_metadata:61} Import error for metadata source: lubimyczytac - No module named 'html2text' [2024-10-18 09:04:48,699] DEBUG {cps.search_metadata:61} Import error for metadata source: scholar - No module named 'scholarly' [2024-10-18 09:04:48,699] DEBUG {cps.search_metadata:61} Import error for metadata source: amazon - No module named 'bs4' [2024-10-18 09:04:48,700] DEBUG {cps.search_metadata:61} Import error for metadata source: douban - No module named 'html2text' [2024-10-18 09:04:48,783] INFO {cps.server:268} Starting Tornado server on :8083 [2024-10-18 09:05:45,042] DEBUG {} Add Task for user: Admin - Metadata fetch task for [2024-10-18 09:05:45,047] INFO {cps.tasks.metadata_extract:155} Starting to fetch metadata for URL: [2024-10-18 09:05:49,059] DEBUG {} Add Task for user: Admin - Download task for [2024-10-18 09:05:49,063] INFO {} Subprocess args: ['lb-wrapper', 'dl', ''] [2024-10-18 09:05:50,571] ERROR {} An error occurred during the subprocess execution: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable [2024-10-18 09:05:50,572] INFO {} Download task for completed successfully =IIAB========================================================================== -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 21241 Oct 18 09:05 /var/log/xklb.log ...ITS LAST 300 LINES FOLLOW... 2024-10-17 08:51:55 - [Info] Using yt-dlp 2024.08.06 2024-10-17 08:51:55 - [Info] Running xklb command: lb tubeadd '/library/calibre-web/xklb-metadata.db' '' --force -vv 2024-10-17 08:51:56 - [Debug] library v2.9.058 :: /root/.local/share/pipx/venvs/xklb/bin 2024-10-17 08:51:56 - [Debug] ['/usr/local/bin/lb', 'tubeadd', '/library/calibre-web/xklb-metadata.db', '', '--force', '-vv'] 2024-10-17 08:51:56 - [Debug] {'force': True, 'paths': ['']} 2024-10-17 08:51:56 - [Debug] {'noprogress': True, 'skip_download': True, 'lazy_playlist': True, 'extract_flat': True, 'no_check_certificate': True, 'ignore_no_formats_error': True, 'skip_playlist_after_errors': 21, 'playlistend': 20000, 'force': True} 2024-10-17 08:51:56 - [Debug] yt-dlp initialized 0.0846 2024-10-17 08:51:56 - [Info] [youtube] Extracting URL: 2024-10-17 08:51:56 - [Info] [youtube] M_Zt5K057xs: Downloading webpage 2024-10-17 08:51:57 - [Info] [youtube] M_Zt5K057xs: Downloading ios player API JSON 2024-10-17 08:51:57 - [Info] [youtube] M_Zt5K057xs: Downloading web creator player API JSON 2024-10-17 08:51:57 - [Debug] no such table: media 2024-10-17 08:51:57 - [Debug] Importing playlist-less media 2024-10-17 08:51:57 - [Debug] media.playlist_media_add 0.9810 2024-10-17 08:51:58 - [Debug] ydl.extract_info done 1.0645 2024-10-17 08:51:58 - [Debug] 2024-10-17 08:51:58 - [Debug] Optimizing database 2024-10-17 08:51:58 - [Debug] Processing table: media 2024-10-17 08:51:58 - [Debug] Transforming column order: ['id', 'size', 'duration', 'time_uploaded', 'time_created', 'time_modified', 'time_deleted', 'time_downloaded', 'fps', 'view_count', 'path', 'webpath', 'extractor_id'] 2024-10-17 08:51:58 - [Debug] Creating index: id 2024-10-17 08:51:58 - [Debug] Creating index: size 2024-10-17 08:51:58 - [Debug] Creating index: duration 2024-10-17 08:51:58 - [Debug] Creating index: time_uploaded 2024-10-17 08:51:59 - [Debug] Creating index: time_created 2024-10-17 08:51:59 - [Debug] Creating index: time_modified 2024-10-17 08:51:59 - [Debug] Creating index: time_deleted 2024-10-17 08:51:59 - [Debug] Creating index: time_downloaded 2024-10-17 08:51:59 - [Debug] Creating index: fps 2024-10-17 08:51:59 - [Debug] Creating index: view_count 2024-10-17 08:51:59 - [Debug] Creating index: path 2024-10-17 08:51:59 - [Debug] Creating index: live_status 2024-10-17 08:51:59 - [Debug] Creating index: uploader 2024-10-17 08:51:59 - [Debug] Creating fts index: ['path', 'webpath', 'title'] 2024-10-17 08:51:59 - [Debug] Processing table: captions 2024-10-17 08:51:59 - [Debug] Creating index: media_id 2024-10-17 08:51:59 - [Debug] Creating index: time 2024-10-17 08:51:59 - [Debug] Creating fts index: ['text'] 2024-10-17 08:51:59 - [Debug] Running VACUUM 2024-10-17 08:51:59 - [Debug] Running ANALYZE 2024-10-17 08:51:59 - [Info] 2024-10-17 08:51:59 - [Info] lb-wrapper's xklb command (tubeadd) completed successfully. 2024-10-17 08:51:59 - [Info] Using yt-dlp 2024.08.06 2024-10-17 08:51:59 - [Info] Running xklb command: lb dl '/library/calibre-web/xklb-metadata.db' --video --search '' --format best --format-sort 'tbr~1000' --write-thumbnail --subs --live --live-from-start -o '/library/downloads/calibre-web/%(extractor_key,extractor)s/%(uploader,uploader_id)s/%(title).170B_%(view_count)3.2D_[%(id).64B].%(ext)s' -vv 2024-10-17 08:52:00 - [Debug] library v2.9.058 :: /root/.local/share/pipx/venvs/xklb/bin 2024-10-17 08:52:00 - [Debug] ['/usr/local/bin/lb', 'dl', '/library/calibre-web/xklb-metadata.db', '--video', '--search', '', '--format', 'best', '--format-sort', 'tbr~1000', '--write-thumbnail', '--subs', '--live', '--live-from-start', '-o', '/library/downloads/calibre-web/%(extractor_key,extractor)s/%(uploader,uploader_id)s/%(title).170B_%(view_count)3.2D_[%(id).64B].%(ext)s', '-vv'] 2024-10-17 08:52:00 - [Debug] {'include': [''], 'subs': True, 'live': True, 'paths': ['best']} 2024-10-17 08:52:00 - [Debug] None 2024-10-17 08:52:00 - [Debug] {'path': 'best'} 2024-10-17 08:52:00 - [Debug] {'noprogress': True, 'lazy_playlist': True, 'noplaylist': True, 'no_check_certificate': True, 'ignore_no_formats_error': True, 'skip_playlist_after_errors': 21, 'playlistend': 20000, 'extractor_args': {'youtube': {'skip': ['authcheck']}}, 'check_formats': 'selected', 'logger': .DictLogger object at 0x719a57287080>, 'postprocessors': [{'key': 'FFmpegMetadata'}, {'key': 'FFmpegEmbedSubtitle'}], 'playlist_items': '1', 'extractor_retries': 3, 'retries': 12, 'retry_sleep_functions': {'extractor': . at 0x719a5729f880>, 'http': . at 0x719a5729f920>, 'fragment': . at 0x719a5729f9c0>}, 'outtmpl': {'default': '/library/downloads/calibre-web/%(extractor_key,extractor)s/%(uploader,uploader_id)s/%(title).170B_%(view_count)3.2D_[%(id).64B].%(ext)s'}, 'progress_hooks': [. at 0x719a5729fa60>], 'subtitlesformat': 'srt/best', 'writesubtitles': True, 'writeautomaticsub': True, 'format': '--format-sort', 'writethumbnail': True, 'live_from_start': True, 'include': [''], 'subs': True, 'live': True} 2024-10-17 08:52:00 - [Debug] [yt-dlp]: Downloading best 2024-10-17 08:52:00 - [Debug] [best]: yt-dlp ERROR: [generic] 'best' is not a valid URL. Set --default-search "ytsearch" (or run yt-dlp "ytsearch:best" ) to search YouTube 2024-10-17 08:52:00 - [Debug] [best]: yt-dlp returned no info 2024-10-17 08:52:00 - [Debug] [best]: Unrecoverable error matched. ERROR: [generic] 'best' is not a valid URL. Set --default-search "ytsearch" (or run yt-dlp "ytsearch:best" ) to search YouTube 2024-10-17 08:52:01 - [Info] lb-wrapper's xklb command (dl) completed successfully. 2024-10-17 08:54:40 - [Info] Using yt-dlp 2024.10.07 2024-10-17 08:54:40 - [Info] Running xklb command: lb tubeadd '/library/calibre-web/xklb-metadata.db' '' --force -vv 2024-10-17 08:54:41 - [Debug] library v2.9.066 :: /root/.local/share/pipx/venvs/xklb/bin 2024-10-17 08:54:41 - [Debug] ['/usr/local/bin/lb', 'tubeadd', '/library/calibre-web/xklb-metadata.db', '', '--force', '-vv'] 2024-10-17 08:54:41 - [Debug] {'force': True, 'paths': ['']} 2024-10-17 08:54:41 - [Debug] {'noprogress': True, 'skip_download': True, 'lazy_playlist': True, 'extract_flat': True, 'no_check_certificate': True, 'ignore_no_formats_error': True, 'skip_playlist_after_errors': 21, 'playlistend': 20000, 'force': True} 2024-10-17 08:54:41 - [Debug] yt-dlp initialized 0.0798 2024-10-17 08:54:41 - [Info] [youtube] Extracting URL: 2024-10-17 08:54:41 - [Info] [youtube] M_Zt5K057xs: Downloading webpage 2024-10-17 08:54:42 - [Info] [youtube] M_Zt5K057xs: Downloading ios player API JSON 2024-10-17 08:54:42 - [Info] [youtube] M_Zt5K057xs: Downloading mweb player API JSON 2024-10-17 08:54:42 - [Info] [youtube] M_Zt5K057xs: Downloading player b7240855 2024-10-17 08:54:43 - [Debug] no such table: playlists 2024-10-17 08:54:43 - [Debug] Importing playlist-less media 2024-10-17 08:54:43 - [Debug] media.playlist_media_add 1.9127 2024-10-17 08:54:43 - [Debug] ydl.extract_info done 0.0973 2024-10-17 08:54:43 - [Info] 2024-10-17 08:54:43 - [Info] lb-wrapper's xklb command (tubeadd) completed successfully. 2024-10-17 08:54:43 - [Info] Using yt-dlp 2024.10.07 2024-10-17 08:54:43 - [Info] Running xklb command: lb dl '/library/calibre-web/xklb-metadata.db' --video --search '' --format best --format-sort 'tbr~1000' --write-thumbnail --subs --live --live-from-start -o '/library/downloads/calibre-web/%(extractor_key,extractor)s/%(uploader,uploader_id)s/%(title).170B_%(view_count)3.2D_[%(id).64B].%(ext)s' -vv 2024-10-17 08:54:44 - [Debug] library v2.9.066 :: /root/.local/share/pipx/venvs/xklb/bin 2024-10-17 08:54:44 - [Debug] ['/usr/local/bin/lb', 'dl', '/library/calibre-web/xklb-metadata.db', '--video', '--search', '', '--format', 'best', '--format-sort', 'tbr~1000', '--write-thumbnail', '--subs', '--live', '--live-from-start', '-o', '/library/downloads/calibre-web/%(extractor_key,extractor)s/%(uploader,uploader_id)s/%(title).170B_%(view_count)3.2D_[%(id).64B].%(ext)s', '-vv'] 2024-10-17 08:54:44 - [Debug] {'include': [''], 'subs': True, 'live': True, 'paths': ['best']} 2024-10-17 08:54:44 - [Debug] {'time_modified': 1729169520, 'time_deleted': 1729169519, 'download_attempts': 1} 2024-10-17 08:54:44 - [Debug] [best]: Download was marked as deleted 2 minutes and 45 seconds ago. Skipping! 2024-10-17 08:54:44 - [Info] lb-wrapper's xklb command (dl) completed successfully. 2024-10-17 08:58:45 - [Info] Using yt-dlp 2024.10.07 2024-10-17 08:58:45 - [Info] Running xklb command: lb tubeadd '/library/calibre-web/xklb-metadata.db' '' --force -vv 2024-10-17 08:58:45 - [Debug] library v2.9.066 :: /root/.local/share/pipx/venvs/xklb/bin 2024-10-17 08:58:45 - [Debug] ['/usr/local/bin/lb', 'tubeadd', '/library/calibre-web/xklb-metadata.db', '', '--force', '-vv'] 2024-10-17 08:58:45 - [Debug] {'force': True, 'paths': ['']} 2024-10-17 08:58:45 - [Debug] {'noprogress': True, 'skip_download': True, 'lazy_playlist': True, 'extract_flat': True, 'no_check_certificate': True, 'ignore_no_formats_error': True, 'skip_playlist_after_errors': 21, 'playlistend': 20000, 'force': True} 2024-10-17 08:58:45 - [Debug] yt-dlp initialized 0.0812 2024-10-17 08:58:45 - [Info] [youtube] Extracting URL: 2024-10-17 08:58:45 - [Info] [youtube] zRM2AnwNY20: Downloading webpage 2024-10-17 08:58:46 - [Info] [youtube] zRM2AnwNY20: Downloading ios player API JSON 2024-10-17 08:58:46 - [Info] [youtube] zRM2AnwNY20: Downloading mweb player API JSON 2024-10-17 08:58:47 - [Debug] no such table: playlists 2024-10-17 08:58:47 - [Debug] Importing playlist-less media 2024-10-17 08:58:47 - [Debug] media.playlist_media_add 2.0688 2024-10-17 08:58:48 - [Debug] ydl.extract_info done 0.0940 2024-10-17 08:58:48 - [Info] 2024-10-17 08:58:48 - [Info] lb-wrapper's xklb command (tubeadd) completed successfully. 2024-10-17 08:58:48 - [Info] Using yt-dlp 2024.10.07 2024-10-17 08:58:48 - [Info] Running xklb command: lb dl '/library/calibre-web/xklb-metadata.db' --video --search '' --format best --format-sort 'tbr~1000' --write-thumbnail --subs --live --live-from-start -o '/library/downloads/calibre-web/%(extractor_key,extractor)s/%(uploader,uploader_id)s/%(title).170B_%(view_count)3.2D_[%(id).64B].%(ext)s' -vv 2024-10-17 08:58:48 - [Debug] library v2.9.066 :: /root/.local/share/pipx/venvs/xklb/bin 2024-10-17 08:58:48 - [Debug] ['/usr/local/bin/lb', 'dl', '/library/calibre-web/xklb-metadata.db', '--video', '--search', '', '--format', 'best', '--format-sort', 'tbr~1000', '--write-thumbnail', '--subs', '--live', '--live-from-start', '-o', '/library/downloads/calibre-web/%(extractor_key,extractor)s/%(uploader,uploader_id)s/%(title).170B_%(view_count)3.2D_[%(id).64B].%(ext)s', '-vv'] 2024-10-17 08:58:48 - [Debug] {'include': [''], 'subs': True, 'live': True, 'paths': ['best']} 2024-10-17 08:58:48 - [Debug] {'time_modified': 1729169520, 'time_deleted': 1729169519, 'download_attempts': 1} 2024-10-17 08:58:49 - [Debug] [best]: Download was marked as deleted 6 minutes and 49 seconds ago. Skipping! 2024-10-17 08:58:49 - [Info] lb-wrapper's xklb command (dl) completed successfully. 2024-10-17 11:59:40 - [Info] Using yt-dlp 2024.10.07 2024-10-17 11:59:40 - [Info] Running xklb command: lb tubeadd '/library/calibre-web/xklb-metadata.db' '' --force -vv 2024-10-17 11:59:40 - [Debug] library v2.9.066 :: /root/.local/share/pipx/venvs/xklb/bin 2024-10-17 11:59:40 - [Debug] ['/usr/local/bin/lb', 'tubeadd', '/library/calibre-web/xklb-metadata.db', '', '--force', '-vv'] 2024-10-17 11:59:41 - [Debug] {'force': True, 'paths': ['']} 2024-10-17 11:59:41 - [Debug] {'noprogress': True, 'skip_download': True, 'lazy_playlist': True, 'extract_flat': True, 'no_check_certificate': True, 'ignore_no_formats_error': True, 'skip_playlist_after_errors': 21, 'playlistend': 20000, 'force': True} 2024-10-17 11:59:41 - [Debug] yt-dlp initialized 0.0943 2024-10-17 11:59:41 - [Info] [youtube] Extracting URL: 2024-10-17 11:59:41 - [Info] [youtube] zRM2AnwNY20: Downloading webpage 2024-10-17 11:59:42 - [Info] [youtube] zRM2AnwNY20: Downloading ios player API JSON 2024-10-17 11:59:42 - [Info] [youtube] zRM2AnwNY20: Downloading mweb player API JSON 2024-10-17 11:59:43 - [Debug] no such table: playlists 2024-10-17 11:59:43 - [Debug] Importing playlist-less media 2024-10-17 11:59:43 - [Debug] media.playlist_media_add 2.0157 2024-10-17 11:59:44 - [Debug] ydl.extract_info done 1.1154 2024-10-17 11:59:44 - [Info] 2024-10-17 11:59:44 - [Info] lb-wrapper's xklb command (tubeadd) completed successfully. 2024-10-17 11:59:44 - [Info] Using yt-dlp 2024.10.07 2024-10-17 11:59:44 - [Info] Running xklb command: lb dl '/library/calibre-web/xklb-metadata.db' --video --search '' --format best --format-sort 'tbr~1000' --write-thumbnail --subs --live --live-from-start -o '/library/downloads/calibre-web/%(extractor_key,extractor)s/%(uploader,uploader_id)s/%(title).170B_%(view_count)3.2D_[%(id).64B].%(ext)s' -vv 2024-10-17 11:59:45 - [Debug] library v2.9.066 :: /root/.local/share/pipx/venvs/xklb/bin 2024-10-17 11:59:45 - [Debug] ['/usr/local/bin/lb', 'dl', '/library/calibre-web/xklb-metadata.db', '--video', '--search', '', '--format', 'best', '--format-sort', 'tbr~1000', '--write-thumbnail', '--subs', '--live', '--live-from-start', '-o', '/library/downloads/calibre-web/%(extractor_key,extractor)s/%(uploader,uploader_id)s/%(title).170B_%(view_count)3.2D_[%(id).64B].%(ext)s', '-vv'] 2024-10-17 11:59:45 - [Debug] {'include': [''], 'subs': True, 'live': True, 'paths': ['best']} 2024-10-17 11:59:45 - [Debug] {'time_modified': 1729169520, 'time_deleted': 1729169519, 'download_attempts': 1} 2024-10-17 11:59:45 - [Debug] [best]: Download was marked as deleted 3 hours and 8 minutes ago. Skipping! 2024-10-17 11:59:45 - [Info] lb-wrapper's xklb command (dl) completed successfully. 2024-10-18 09:05:45 - [Info] Using yt-dlp 2024.10.07 2024-10-18 09:05:45 - [Info] Running xklb command: lb tubeadd '/library/calibre-web/xklb-metadata.db' '' --force -vv 2024-10-18 09:05:45 - [Debug] library v2.9.066 :: /root/.local/share/pipx/venvs/xklb/bin 2024-10-18 09:05:45 - [Debug] ['/usr/local/bin/lb', 'tubeadd', '/library/calibre-web/xklb-metadata.db', '', '--force', '-vv'] 2024-10-18 09:05:45 - [Debug] {'force': True, 'paths': ['']} 2024-10-18 09:05:45 - [Debug] {'noprogress': True, 'skip_download': True, 'lazy_playlist': True, 'extract_flat': True, 'no_check_certificate': True, 'ignore_no_formats_error': True, 'skip_playlist_after_errors': 21, 'playlistend': 20000, 'force': True} 2024-10-18 09:05:46 - [Debug] yt-dlp initialized 0.0809 2024-10-18 09:05:46 - [Info] [youtube] Extracting URL: 2024-10-18 09:05:46 - [Info] [youtube] zRM2AnwNY20: Downloading webpage 2024-10-18 09:05:46 - [Info] [youtube] zRM2AnwNY20: Downloading ios player API JSON 2024-10-18 09:05:46 - [Info] [youtube] zRM2AnwNY20: Downloading mweb player API JSON 2024-10-18 09:05:47 - [Info] [youtube] zRM2AnwNY20: Downloading player e627e516 2024-10-18 09:05:48 - [Debug] no such table: media 2024-10-18 09:05:48 - [Debug] Importing playlist-less media 2024-10-18 09:05:48 - [Debug] media.playlist_media_add 2.2847 2024-10-18 09:05:48 - [Debug] ydl.extract_info done 0.0990 2024-10-18 09:05:48 - [Debug] 2024-10-18 09:05:48 - [Debug] Optimizing database 2024-10-18 09:05:48 - [Debug] Processing table: media 2024-10-18 09:05:48 - [Debug] Transforming column order: ['id', 'size', 'duration', 'time_uploaded', 'time_created', 'time_modified', 'time_deleted', 'time_downloaded', 'fps', 'view_count', 'path', 'webpath', 'extractor_id'] 2024-10-18 09:05:48 - [Debug] Creating index: id 2024-10-18 09:05:48 - [Debug] Creating index: size 2024-10-18 09:05:48 - [Debug] Creating index: duration 2024-10-18 09:05:48 - [Debug] Creating index: time_uploaded 2024-10-18 09:05:48 - [Debug] Creating index: time_created 2024-10-18 09:05:48 - [Debug] Creating index: time_modified 2024-10-18 09:05:48 - [Debug] Creating index: time_deleted 2024-10-18 09:05:48 - [Debug] Creating index: time_downloaded 2024-10-18 09:05:48 - [Debug] Creating index: fps 2024-10-18 09:05:48 - [Debug] Creating index: view_count 2024-10-18 09:05:48 - [Debug] Creating index: path 2024-10-18 09:05:48 - [Debug] Creating index: live_status 2024-10-18 09:05:48 - [Debug] Creating index: uploader 2024-10-18 09:05:48 - [Debug] Creating fts index: ['path', 'webpath', 'title'] 2024-10-18 09:05:48 - [Debug] Processing table: captions 2024-10-18 09:05:48 - [Debug] Creating index: media_id 2024-10-18 09:05:48 - [Debug] Creating index: time 2024-10-18 09:05:48 - [Debug] Creating fts index: ['text'] 2024-10-18 09:05:48 - [Debug] Running VACUUM 2024-10-18 09:05:48 - [Debug] Running ANALYZE 2024-10-18 09:05:48 - [Info] 2024-10-18 09:05:49 - [Info] lb-wrapper's xklb command (tubeadd) completed successfully. 2024-10-18 09:05:49 - [Info] Using yt-dlp 2024.10.07 2024-10-18 09:05:49 - [Info] Running xklb command: lb dl '/library/calibre-web/xklb-metadata.db' --video --search '' --format best --format-sort 'tbr~1000' --write-thumbnail --subs --live --live-from-start -o '/library/downloads/calibre-web/%(extractor_key,extractor)s/%(uploader,uploader_id)s/%(title).170B_%(view_count)3.2D_[%(id).64B].%(ext)s' -vv 2024-10-18 09:05:49 - [Debug] library v2.9.066 :: /root/.local/share/pipx/venvs/xklb/bin 2024-10-18 09:05:49 - [Debug] ['/usr/local/bin/lb', 'dl', '/library/calibre-web/xklb-metadata.db', '--video', '--search', '', '--format', 'best', '--format-sort', 'tbr~1000', '--write-thumbnail', '--subs', '--live', '--live-from-start', '-o', '/library/downloads/calibre-web/%(extractor_key,extractor)s/%(uploader,uploader_id)s/%(title).170B_%(view_count)3.2D_[%(id).64B].%(ext)s', '-vv'] 2024-10-18 09:05:49 - [Debug] {'include': [''], 'subs': True, 'live': True, 'paths': ['best']} 2024-10-18 09:05:49 - [Debug] None 2024-10-18 09:05:49 - [Debug] {'path': 'best'} 2024-10-18 09:05:49 - [Debug] {'noprogress': True, 'lazy_playlist': True, 'noplaylist': True, 'no_check_certificate': True, 'ignore_no_formats_error': True, 'skip_playlist_after_errors': 21, 'playlistend': 20000, 'extractor_args': {'youtube': {'skip': ['authcheck']}}, 'check_formats': 'selected', 'logger': .DictLogger object at 0x7a1068560aa0>, 'postprocessors': [{'key': 'FFmpegMetadata'}, {'key': 'FFmpegEmbedSubtitle'}], 'playlist_items': '1', 'extractor_retries': 3, 'retries': 12, 'retry_sleep_functions': {'extractor': . at 0x7a106856dbc0>, 'http': . at 0x7a106856dc60>, 'fragment': . at 0x7a106856dd00>}, 'outtmpl': {'default': '/library/downloads/calibre-web/%(extractor_key,extractor)s/%(uploader,uploader_id)s/%(title).170B_%(view_count)3.2D_[%(id).64B].%(ext)s'}, 'progress_hooks': [. at 0x7a106856dda0>], 'subtitlesformat': 'srt/best', 'writesubtitles': True, 'writeautomaticsub': True, 'format': '--format-sort', 'writethumbnail': True, 'live_from_start': True, 'include': [''], 'subs': True, 'live': True} 2024-10-18 09:05:49 - [Debug] [yt-dlp]: Downloading best 2024-10-18 09:05:50 - [Debug] [best]: yt-dlp ERROR: [generic] 'best' is not a valid URL. Set --default-search "ytsearch" (or run yt-dlp "ytsearch:best" ) to search YouTube 2024-10-18 09:05:50 - [Debug] [best]: yt-dlp returned no info 2024-10-18 09:05:50 - [Debug] [best]: Unrecoverable error matched. ERROR: [generic] 'best' is not a valid URL. Set --default-search "ytsearch" (or run yt-dlp "ytsearch:best" ) to search YouTube 2024-10-18 09:05:50 - [Info] lb-wrapper's xklb command (dl) completed successfully. =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: /usr/bin/journalctl -t IIAB-CMDSRV # Admin Console CMDSRV log -- No entries -- 5. FIREWALL RULES =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: /usr/bin/sudo iptables-save # Firewall rules # Generated by iptables-save v1.8.10 (nf_tables) on Fri Oct 18 09:07:59 2024 *filter :INPUT ACCEPT [69552:16424444] :FORWARD ACCEPT [0:0] :OUTPUT ACCEPT [0:0] :ts-forward - [0:0] :ts-input - [0:0] -A INPUT -j ts-input -A FORWARD -j ts-forward -A ts-forward -i tailscale0 -j MARK --set-xmark 0x40000/0xff0000 -A ts-forward -m mark --mark 0x40000/0xff0000 -j ACCEPT -A ts-forward -s -o tailscale0 -j DROP -A ts-forward -o tailscale0 -j ACCEPT -A ts-input -s -i lo -j ACCEPT -A ts-input -s ! -i tailscale0 -j RETURN -A ts-input -s ! -i tailscale0 -j DROP -A ts-input -i tailscale0 -j ACCEPT -A ts-input -p udp -m udp --dport 41641 -j ACCEPT COMMIT # Completed on Fri Oct 18 09:07:59 2024 # Generated by iptables-save v1.8.10 (nf_tables) on Fri Oct 18 09:07:59 2024 *nat :PREROUTING ACCEPT [0:0] :INPUT ACCEPT [0:0] :OUTPUT ACCEPT [0:0] :POSTROUTING ACCEPT [3473:231935] :ts-postrouting - [0:0] -A POSTROUTING -j ts-postrouting -A ts-postrouting -m mark --mark 0x40000/0xff0000 -j MASQUERADE COMMIT # Completed on Fri Oct 18 09:07:59 2024 =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: /usr/bin/sudo ufw status verbose # Firewall status & rules Status: inactive 6. LOG FILES (e.g. LAST 100 LINES OF EACH) =IIAB========================================================================== COMMAND: /usr/bin/grep -B2 "SEE ERROR ABOVE" /opt/iiab/iiab/*.log # for skip_role_on_error =IIAB========================================================================== -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 223626 Sep 26 05:03 /opt/iiab/iiab/iiab-install.log ...ITS LAST 100 LINES FOLLOW... 2024-09-26 05:03:29,556 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | TASK [network : Setting wireless LAN as only interface - RPi] ****************** 2024-09-26 05:03:29,575 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | skipping: [] 2024-09-26 05:03:29,586 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | TASK [network : In VM disable LAN - needs local_vars entry to activate] ******** 2024-09-26 05:03:29,606 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | skipping: [] 2024-09-26 05:03:29,617 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | TASK [network : Has old gateway and no discovered gateway setting WAN] ********* 2024-09-26 05:03:29,632 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | skipping: [] 2024-09-26 05:03:29,645 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | TASK [network : Add 'detected_network' variable values to /etc/iiab/iiab.ini] *** 2024-09-26 05:03:29,850 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | changed: [] => (item={'option': 'has_ifcfg_gw', 'value': 'none'}) 2024-09-26 05:03:30,030 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | changed: [] => (item={'option': 'prior_gateway_device', 'value': 'unset'}) 2024-09-26 05:03:30,209 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | changed: [] => (item={'option': 'dhcpcd_result', 'value': 'not-found'}) 2024-09-26 05:03:30,388 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | changed: [] => (item={'option': 'network_manager_active', 'value': False}) 2024-09-26 05:03:30,566 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | changed: [] => (item={'option': 'systemd_networkd_active', 'value': True}) 2024-09-26 05:03:30,746 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | changed: [] => (item={'option': 'wan_in_interfaces', 'value': False}) 2024-09-26 05:03:30,924 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | changed: [] => (item={'option': 'wireless_list_1(wifi1)', 'value': 'not found-1'}) 2024-09-26 05:03:31,101 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | changed: [] => (item={'option': 'wireless_list_2(wifi2)', 'value': 'not found-2'}) 2024-09-26 05:03:31,280 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | changed: [] => (item={'option': 'num_wifi_interfaces', 'value': '0'}) 2024-09-26 05:03:31,459 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | changed: [] => (item={'option': 'discovered_wireless_iface', 'value': 'none'}) 2024-09-26 05:03:31,637 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | changed: [] => (item={'option': 'discovered_wired_iface', 'value': 'tailscale0'}) 2024-09-26 05:03:31,814 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | changed: [] => (item={'option': 'exclude_devices', 'value': 'enp6s0'}) 2024-09-26 05:03:31,992 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | changed: [] => (item={'option': 'num_lan_interfaces', 'value': '1'}) 2024-09-26 05:03:32,172 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | changed: [] => (item={'option': 'gui_static_wan', 'value': False}) 2024-09-26 05:03:32,351 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | changed: [] => (item={'option': 'iiab_lan_iface', 'value': 'br0'}) 2024-09-26 05:03:32,528 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | changed: [] => (item={'option': 'iiab_wan_iface', 'value': 'enp5s0'}) 2024-09-26 05:03:32,707 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | changed: [] => (item={'option': 'can_be_ap', 'value': False}) 2024-09-26 05:03:32,720 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | TASK [network : I'm not guessing declare gateway please] *********************** 2024-09-26 05:03:32,753 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | skipping: [] 2024-09-26 05:03:32,764 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | TASK [network : Set 'no_net_restart: True' if has_wifi_gateway is defined] ***** 2024-09-26 05:03:32,784 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | skipping: [] 2024-09-26 05:03:32,794 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | TASK [network : computed_network] ********************************************** 2024-09-26 05:03:32,869 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | included: /opt/iiab/iiab/roles/network/tasks/computed_network.yml for 2024-09-26 05:03:32,895 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | TASK [network : gui-static-wan] ************************************************ 2024-09-26 05:03:32,910 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | skipping: [] 2024-09-26 05:03:32,921 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | TASK [network : Undo gui-static-wan by requesting new template file] *********** 2024-09-26 05:03:32,936 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | skipping: [] 2024-09-26 05:03:32,947 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | TASK [network : Using GUI_STATIC info] ***************************************** 2024-09-26 05:03:32,962 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | skipping: [] 2024-09-26 05:03:32,973 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | TASK [network : Checking iiab_wan_enabled] ************************************* 2024-09-26 05:03:32,987 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | skipping: [] 2024-09-26 05:03:32,998 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | TASK [network : Setting GUI wants 'LanController'] ***************************** 2024-09-26 05:03:33,020 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | skipping: [] 2024-09-26 05:03:33,031 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | TASK [network : Setting user_lan_iface for 'LanController' for single interface] *** 2024-09-26 05:03:33,052 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | skipping: [] 2024-09-26 05:03:33,063 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | TASK [network : Setting user WAN fact] ***************************************** 2024-09-26 05:03:33,077 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | skipping: [] 2024-09-26 05:03:33,088 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | TASK [network : Checking iiab_lan_enabled] ************************************* 2024-09-26 05:03:33,102 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | skipping: [] 2024-09-26 05:03:33,113 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | TASK [network : Setting GUI wants 'Appliance'] ********************************* 2024-09-26 05:03:33,133 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | skipping: [] 2024-09-26 05:03:33,144 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | TASK [network : Setting GUI wants and has active 'Gateway'] ******************** 2024-09-26 05:03:33,164 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | skipping: [] 2024-09-26 05:03:33,175 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | TASK [network : Use old gateway device info if not detected and using static ip] *** 2024-09-26 05:03:33,190 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | skipping: [] 2024-09-26 05:03:33,202 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | TASK [network : No LAN configured - 'Appliance' mode] ************************** 2024-09-26 05:03:33,217 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | skipping: [] 2024-09-26 05:03:33,229 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | TASK [network : LAN configured - 'LanController' mode] ************************* 2024-09-26 05:03:33,244 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | skipping: [] 2024-09-26 05:03:33,255 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | TASK [network : LAN configured - 'Gateway' mode] ******************************* 2024-09-26 05:03:33,274 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | ok: [] 2024-09-26 05:03:33,285 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | TASK [network : Setting user LAN fact] ***************************************** 2024-09-26 05:03:33,300 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | skipping: [] 2024-09-26 05:03:33,312 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | TASK [network : Record IIAB_WAN_DEVICE=enp5s0 to /etc/iiab/iiab.env] *********** 2024-09-26 05:03:33,504 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | changed: [] 2024-09-26 05:03:33,515 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | TASK [network : Record IIAB_LAN_DEVICE=br0 to /etc/iiab/iiab.env] ************** 2024-09-26 05:03:33,708 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | changed: [] 2024-09-26 05:03:33,721 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | TASK [network : Record 'IIAB_GATEWAY_ENABLED=False' in /etc/iiab/iiab.env] ***** 2024-09-26 05:03:33,910 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | ok: [] 2024-09-26 05:03:33,923 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | TASK [network : Add 'computed_network' variable values to /etc/iiab/iiab.ini] *** 2024-09-26 05:03:34,126 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | changed: [] => (item={'option': 'iiab_wan_enabled', 'value': True}) 2024-09-26 05:03:34,301 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | changed: [] => (item={'option': 'user_wan_iface', 'value': 'auto'}) 2024-09-26 05:03:34,478 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | changed: [] => (item={'option': 'iiab_wan_iface', 'value': 'enp5s0'}) 2024-09-26 05:03:34,656 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | changed: [] => (item={'option': 'iiab_lan_enabled', 'value': True}) 2024-09-26 05:03:34,834 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | changed: [] => (item={'option': 'user_lan_iface', 'value': 'auto'}) 2024-09-26 05:03:35,010 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | changed: [] => (item={'option': 'iiab_lan_iface', 'value': 'br0'}) 2024-09-26 05:03:35,187 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | changed: [] => (item={'option': 'iiab_network_mode', 'value': 'Gateway'}) 2024-09-26 05:03:35,364 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | changed: [] => (item={'option': 'network_enabled', 'value': False}) 2024-09-26 05:03:35,377 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | TASK [network : Install /usr/bin/iiab-hotspot-on|off from template (root:root by default)] *** 2024-09-26 05:03:35,763 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | changed: [] => (item=hostapd/iiab-hotspot-on) 2024-09-26 05:03:36,120 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | changed: [] => (item=hostapd/iiab-hotspot-off) 2024-09-26 05:03:36,133 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | TASK [network : Install network packages (including many WiFi tools, and also iptables-persistent for firewall)] *** 2024-09-26 05:03:36,154 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | skipping: [] 2024-09-26 05:03:36,165 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | TASK [network : computed_services] ********************************************* 2024-09-26 05:03:36,185 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | skipping: [] 2024-09-26 05:03:36,195 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | TASK [network : enable_services] *********************************************** 2024-09-26 05:03:36,215 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | skipping: [] 2024-09-26 05:03:36,226 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | TASK [network : NetworkManager in use] ***************************************** 2024-09-26 05:03:36,246 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | skipping: [] 2024-09-26 05:03:36,257 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | TASK [network : systemd-networkd in use] *************************************** 2024-09-26 05:03:36,276 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | skipping: [] 2024-09-26 05:03:36,287 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | TASK [network : Raspbian can use dhcpcd only with no N-M or SYS-NETD active] *** 2024-09-26 05:03:36,307 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | skipping: [] 2024-09-26 05:03:36,319 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | TASK [network : Not RPi, Not NetworkManager, Not systemd-networkd in use] ****** 2024-09-26 05:03:36,339 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | skipping: [] 2024-09-26 05:03:36,350 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | TASK [network : hostapd] ******************************************************* 2024-09-26 05:03:36,369 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | skipping: [] 2024-09-26 05:03:36,380 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | TASK [network : Restart services] ********************************************** 2024-09-26 05:03:36,400 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | skipping: [] 2024-09-26 05:03:36,412 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | TASK [network : Create /etc/iiab/install-flags/iiab-network-complete on second pass of network role.] *** 2024-09-26 05:03:36,428 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | skipping: [] 2024-09-26 05:03:36,509 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* 2024-09-26 05:03:36,509 p=2596 u=root n=ansible | : ok=306 changed=168 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=124 rescued=0 ignored=3 =IIAB========================================================================== FILE DOES NOT EXIST: /opt/iiab/iiab/iiab-configure.log =IIAB========================================================================== FILE DOES NOT EXIST: /opt/iiab/iiab/iiab-debug.log =IIAB========================================================================== FILE DOES NOT EXIST: /opt/iiab/iiab/iiab-network.log =IIAB========================================================================== FILE DOES NOT EXIST: /opt/iiab/iiab-admin-console/admin-install.log =IIAB========================================================================== FILE DOES NOT EXIST: /var/log/messages =IIAB========================================================================== -rw-r----- 1 syslog adm 429851 Oct 18 09:07 /var/log/syslog ...ITS LAST 100 LINES FOLLOW... 2024-10-18T07:59:02.737114-04:00 box systemd[1]: session-59.scope: Deactivated successfully. 2024-10-18T07:59:02.738513-04:00 box systemd[1]: session-59.scope: Consumed 1.471s CPU time, 24.8M memory peak. 2024-10-18T08:00:05.689312-04:00 box systemd[1]: Starting sysstat-collect.service - system activity accounting tool... 2024-10-18T08:00:05.738311-04:00 box systemd[1]: sysstat-collect.service: Deactivated successfully. 2024-10-18T08:00:05.738885-04:00 box systemd[1]: Finished sysstat-collect.service - system activity accounting tool. 2024-10-18T08:04:40.590817-04:00 box tailscaled[782]: monitor: RTM_DELROUTE: src=, dst=, gw=fe80::216:3eff:fe32:17f4, outif=2, table=254 2024-10-18T08:04:40.599627-04:00 box tailscaled[782]: monitor: RTM_DELROUTE: src=, dst=fd42:fb6b:9c93:d2f1::/64, gw=, outif=2, table=254 2024-10-18T08:04:40.599679-04:00 box tailscaled[782]: monitor: RTM_NEWROUTE: src=, dst=, gw=fe80::216:3eff:fe32:17f4, outif=2, table=254 2024-10-18T08:04:40.599705-04:00 box tailscaled[782]: monitor: RTM_NEWROUTE: src=, dst=fd42:fb6b:9c93:d2f1::/64, gw=, outif=2, table=254 2024-10-18T08:05:01.088113-04:00 box CRON[18478]: (root) CMD (command -v debian-sa1 > /dev/null && debian-sa1 1 1) 2024-10-18T08:09:01.124538-04:00 box CRON[18483]: (root) CMD ( [ -x /usr/lib/php/sessionclean ] && if [ ! -d /run/systemd/system ]; then /usr/lib/php/sessionclean; fi) 2024-10-18T08:09:01.131812-04:00 box systemd[1]: Starting phpsessionclean.service - Clean php session files... 2024-10-18T08:09:01.238000-04:00 box systemd[1]: phpsessionclean.service: Deactivated successfully. 2024-10-18T08:09:01.238182-04:00 box systemd[1]: Finished phpsessionclean.service - Clean php session files. 2024-10-18T08:10:09.854953-04:00 box systemd[1]: Starting sysstat-collect.service - system activity accounting tool... 2024-10-18T08:10:09.915330-04:00 box systemd[1]: sysstat-collect.service: Deactivated successfully. 2024-10-18T08:10:09.915672-04:00 box systemd[1]: Finished sysstat-collect.service - system activity accounting tool. 2024-10-18T08:11:00.028676-04:00 box systemd[1]: Started session-197.scope - Session 197 of User ubuntu. 2024-10-18T08:11:00.464658-04:00 box systemd-resolved[569]: Using degraded feature set UDP instead of UDP+EDNS0 for DNS server 2024-10-18T08:14:05.780380-04:00 box tailscaled[782]: monitor: RTM_DELROUTE: src=, dst=, gw=fe80::216:3eff:fe32:17f4, outif=2, table=254 2024-10-18T08:14:05.782083-04:00 box tailscaled[782]: monitor: RTM_DELROUTE: src=, dst=fd42:fb6b:9c93:d2f1::/64, gw=, outif=2, table=254 2024-10-18T08:14:05.782559-04:00 box tailscaled[782]: monitor: RTM_NEWROUTE: src=, dst=, gw=fe80::216:3eff:fe32:17f4, outif=2, table=254 2024-10-18T08:14:05.782612-04:00 box tailscaled[782]: monitor: RTM_NEWROUTE: src=, dst=fd42:fb6b:9c93:d2f1::/64, gw=, outif=2, table=254 2024-10-18T08:15:01.141217-04:00 box CRON[19443]: (root) CMD (command -v debian-sa1 > /dev/null && debian-sa1 1 1) 2024-10-18T08:17:01.185456-04:00 box CRON[19448]: (root) CMD (cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly) 2024-10-18T08:20:09.945314-04:00 box systemd[1]: Starting sysstat-collect.service - system activity accounting tool... 2024-10-18T08:20:10.033692-04:00 box systemd[1]: sysstat-collect.service: Deactivated successfully. 2024-10-18T08:20:10.034195-04:00 box systemd[1]: Finished sysstat-collect.service - system activity accounting tool. 2024-10-18T08:20:19.941708-04:00 box systemd[1]: Starting man-db.service - Daily man-db regeneration... 2024-10-18T08:20:20.454745-04:00 box systemd[1]: man-db.service: Deactivated successfully. 2024-10-18T08:20:20.456584-04:00 box systemd[1]: Finished man-db.service - Daily man-db regeneration. 2024-10-18T08:23:04.918659-04:00 box tailscaled[782]: monitor: RTM_DELROUTE: src=, dst=, gw=fe80::216:3eff:fe32:17f4, outif=2, table=254 2024-10-18T08:23:04.933896-04:00 box tailscaled[782]: monitor: RTM_DELROUTE: src=, dst=fd42:fb6b:9c93:d2f1::/64, gw=, outif=2, table=254 2024-10-18T08:23:04.933954-04:00 box tailscaled[782]: monitor: RTM_NEWROUTE: src=, dst=, gw=fe80::216:3eff:fe32:17f4, outif=2, table=254 2024-10-18T08:23:04.933981-04:00 box tailscaled[782]: monitor: RTM_NEWROUTE: src=, dst=fd42:fb6b:9c93:d2f1::/64, gw=, outif=2, table=254 2024-10-18T08:25:01.205692-04:00 box CRON[19477]: (root) CMD (command -v debian-sa1 > /dev/null && debian-sa1 1 1) 2024-10-18T08:27:32.529083-04:00 box systemd[1]: Stopping calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web... 2024-10-18T08:27:32.779720-04:00 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Deactivated successfully. 2024-10-18T08:27:32.779901-04:00 box systemd[1]: Stopped calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. 2024-10-18T08:27:32.780453-04:00 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Consumed 22.583s CPU time, 86.9M memory peak. 2024-10-18T08:27:33.651134-04:00 box systemd[1]: Started calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. 2024-10-18T08:27:44.312751-04:00 box systemd[1]: session-197.scope: Deactivated successfully. 2024-10-18T08:27:44.313932-04:00 box systemd[1]: session-197.scope: Consumed 18.546s CPU time, 312.7M memory peak. 2024-10-18T08:30:00.016972-04:00 box systemd[1]: Starting sysstat-collect.service - system activity accounting tool... 2024-10-18T08:30:00.057301-04:00 box systemd[1]: sysstat-collect.service: Deactivated successfully. 2024-10-18T08:30:00.057431-04:00 box systemd[1]: Finished sysstat-collect.service - system activity accounting tool. 2024-10-18T08:30:40.235649-04:00 box systemd[1]: Started session-201.scope - Session 201 of User ubuntu. 2024-10-18T08:31:37.926757-04:00 box tailscaled[782]: monitor: RTM_DELROUTE: src=, dst=, gw=fe80::216:3eff:fe32:17f4, outif=2, table=254 2024-10-18T08:31:37.927705-04:00 box tailscaled[782]: monitor: RTM_DELROUTE: src=, dst=fd42:fb6b:9c93:d2f1::/64, gw=, outif=2, table=254 2024-10-18T08:31:37.927846-04:00 box tailscaled[782]: monitor: RTM_NEWROUTE: src=, dst=, gw=fe80::216:3eff:fe32:17f4, outif=2, table=254 2024-10-18T08:31:37.927970-04:00 box tailscaled[782]: monitor: RTM_NEWROUTE: src=, dst=fd42:fb6b:9c93:d2f1::/64, gw=, outif=2, table=254 2024-10-18T08:35:01.255919-04:00 box CRON[20854]: (root) CMD (command -v debian-sa1 > /dev/null && debian-sa1 1 1) 2024-10-18T08:39:00.096295-04:00 box systemd[1]: Starting phpsessionclean.service - Clean php session files... 2024-10-18T08:39:00.231210-04:00 box systemd[1]: phpsessionclean.service: Deactivated successfully. 2024-10-18T08:39:00.231400-04:00 box systemd[1]: Finished phpsessionclean.service - Clean php session files. 2024-10-18T08:39:01.277910-04:00 box CRON[20905]: (root) CMD ( [ -x /usr/lib/php/sessionclean ] && if [ ! -d /run/systemd/system ]; then /usr/lib/php/sessionclean; fi) 2024-10-18T08:40:00.097621-04:00 box systemd[1]: Starting sysstat-collect.service - system activity accounting tool... 2024-10-18T08:40:00.155704-04:00 box systemd[1]: sysstat-collect.service: Deactivated successfully. 2024-10-18T08:40:00.156052-04:00 box systemd[1]: Finished sysstat-collect.service - system activity accounting tool. 2024-10-18T08:40:49.201067-04:00 box tailscaled[782]: monitor: RTM_DELROUTE: src=, dst=, gw=fe80::216:3eff:fe32:17f4, outif=2, table=254 2024-10-18T08:40:49.209470-04:00 box tailscaled[782]: monitor: RTM_DELROUTE: src=, dst=fd42:fb6b:9c93:d2f1::/64, gw=, outif=2, table=254 2024-10-18T08:40:49.209532-04:00 box tailscaled[782]: monitor: RTM_NEWROUTE: src=, dst=, gw=fe80::216:3eff:fe32:17f4, outif=2, table=254 2024-10-18T08:40:49.209568-04:00 box tailscaled[782]: monitor: RTM_NEWROUTE: src=, dst=fd42:fb6b:9c93:d2f1::/64, gw=, outif=2, table=254 2024-10-18T08:41:00.115026-04:00 box systemd[1]: Starting fwupd-refresh.service - Refresh fwupd metadata and update motd... 2024-10-18T08:41:00.174965-04:00 box dbus-daemon[754]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.fwupd' unit='fwupd.service' requested by ':1.114' (uid=990 pid=20911 comm="/usr/bin/fwupdmgr refresh" label="unconfined") 2024-10-18T08:41:00.178295-04:00 box systemd[1]: Starting fwupd.service - Firmware update daemon... 2024-10-18T08:41:00.437989-04:00 box fwupd[20916]: 12:41:00.437 FuMain Daemon ready for requests (locale C.UTF-8) 2024-10-18T08:41:00.438951-04:00 box dbus-daemon[754]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.fwupd' 2024-10-18T08:41:00.439702-04:00 box systemd[1]: Started fwupd.service - Firmware update daemon. 2024-10-18T08:41:00.449808-04:00 box systemd[1]: fwupd-refresh.service: Deactivated successfully. 2024-10-18T08:41:00.450048-04:00 box systemd[1]: Finished fwupd-refresh.service - Refresh fwupd metadata and update motd. 2024-10-18T08:45:01.298369-04:00 box CRON[20926]: (root) CMD (command -v debian-sa1 > /dev/null && debian-sa1 1 1) 2024-10-18T08:46:00.696536-04:00 box systemd[1]: fwupd.service: Deactivated successfully. 2024-10-18T08:50:00.183786-04:00 box systemd[1]: Starting sysstat-collect.service - system activity accounting tool... 2024-10-18T08:50:00.261871-04:00 box systemd[1]: sysstat-collect.service: Deactivated successfully. 2024-10-18T08:50:00.262295-04:00 box systemd[1]: Finished sysstat-collect.service - system activity accounting tool. 2024-10-18T08:50:02.279600-04:00 box tailscaled[782]: monitor: RTM_DELROUTE: src=, dst=, gw=fe80::216:3eff:fe32:17f4, outif=2, table=254 2024-10-18T08:50:02.279718-04:00 box tailscaled[782]: monitor: RTM_DELROUTE: src=, dst=fd42:fb6b:9c93:d2f1::/64, gw=, outif=2, table=254 2024-10-18T08:50:02.279754-04:00 box tailscaled[782]: monitor: RTM_NEWROUTE: src=, dst=, gw=fe80::216:3eff:fe32:17f4, outif=2, table=254 2024-10-18T08:50:02.279781-04:00 box tailscaled[782]: monitor: RTM_NEWROUTE: src=, dst=fd42:fb6b:9c93:d2f1::/64, gw=, outif=2, table=254 2024-10-18T08:55:01.325358-04:00 box CRON[20941]: (root) CMD (command -v debian-sa1 > /dev/null && debian-sa1 1 1) 2024-10-18T08:59:14.488483-04:00 box tailscaled[782]: monitor: RTM_DELROUTE: src=, dst=, gw=fe80::216:3eff:fe32:17f4, outif=2, table=254 2024-10-18T08:59:14.488705-04:00 box tailscaled[782]: monitor: RTM_DELROUTE: src=, dst=fd42:fb6b:9c93:d2f1::/64, gw=, outif=2, table=254 2024-10-18T08:59:14.488734-04:00 box tailscaled[782]: monitor: RTM_NEWROUTE: src=, dst=, gw=fe80::216:3eff:fe32:17f4, outif=2, table=254 2024-10-18T08:59:14.488761-04:00 box tailscaled[782]: monitor: RTM_NEWROUTE: src=, dst=fd42:fb6b:9c93:d2f1::/64, gw=, outif=2, table=254 2024-10-18T09:00:00.279280-04:00 box systemd[1]: Starting sysstat-collect.service - system activity accounting tool... 2024-10-18T09:00:00.348565-04:00 box systemd[1]: sysstat-collect.service: Deactivated successfully. 2024-10-18T09:00:00.350339-04:00 box systemd[1]: Finished sysstat-collect.service - system activity accounting tool. 2024-10-18T09:03:55.419390-04:00 box systemd[1]: session-201.scope: Deactivated successfully. 2024-10-18T09:04:08.884840-04:00 box systemd[1]: Started session-206.scope - Session 206 of User ubuntu. 2024-10-18T09:04:29.157412-04:00 box systemd[1]: Stopping calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web... 2024-10-18T09:04:29.418023-04:00 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Deactivated successfully. 2024-10-18T09:04:29.418251-04:00 box systemd[1]: Stopped calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. 2024-10-18T09:04:29.418788-04:00 box systemd[1]: calibre-web.service: Consumed 3.114s CPU time, 86.3M memory peak. 2024-10-18T09:04:47.364682-04:00 box systemd[1]: Started calibre-web.service - Calibre-Web. 2024-10-18T09:05:01.347112-04:00 box CRON[21157]: (root) CMD (command -v debian-sa1 > /dev/null && debian-sa1 1 1) 2024-10-18T09:07:45.674555-04:00 box tailscaled[782]: monitor: RTM_DELROUTE: src=, dst=, gw=fe80::216:3eff:fe32:17f4, outif=2, table=254 2024-10-18T09:07:45.678453-04:00 box tailscaled[782]: monitor: RTM_DELROUTE: src=, dst=fd42:fb6b:9c93:d2f1::/64, gw=, outif=2, table=254 2024-10-18T09:07:45.678611-04:00 box tailscaled[782]: monitor: RTM_NEWROUTE: src=, dst=, gw=fe80::216:3eff:fe32:17f4, outif=2, table=254 2024-10-18T09:07:45.678655-04:00 box tailscaled[782]: monitor: RTM_NEWROUTE: src=, dst=fd42:fb6b:9c93:d2f1::/64, gw=, outif=2, table=254